Blocky's Funny Doings International

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Summary :

"As Albert Einstein said ; "With a new editing software comes a new Funny Doings"!"

"Did ... Did Albert Einstein actually say that ?"

"Nah I'm just kiddin' dude I made it up ."

(A/N : one from AO3 ! Made with some minor changes , like dialogue or characters interacting . This was just a small drabble and it was a request from Tumblr , enjoy !)


Blocky swivels around in his , as he called it , spinny chair chair , spinning around as one does in a spinning spinny chair chair . "I got a new software yesterday , so this one should be the best Funny Doing's out of all of them !" Blocky beams . Having been running this show for almost 11 years , it made him extremely attached to this project . Sure , it was a little bit jank . But it was his pride and passion .

Woody sits on Blocky's bed , listening to the other ramble on about ideas for transitions and future installments . Woody eventually says something himself . "What if we made this one look kinda retro ? Like .." Woody thinks for a moment , trying to figure out what words to say .

"Like one of those 90s Saturday morning cartoons !" Woody finally comes to , remembering what he wanted to say . He smiles to himself .

Blocky stares at the other .

"Woody . That . Is . PERFECT !!"

Blocky swishes his chair around , grabbing his laptop and sitting next to Woody as fast as he could . There's practically stars in Blocky's eyes .

"That's SUCH a good idea dude !!! This one's gonna be the best out of all of em , I can feel it !!!!" Blocky waves his hands around happily , and Woody smiles .

This one really would be the best funny doing yet .

The Woodblock Chronicles (Blocky x Woody)Where stories live. Discover now