Chapter 1 We Meet Again

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Hally sits at her desk in the big office building. Dressed in nicer jeans, a white collard shirt, and a dark blazer. A buzz is heard at the phone. "Ms. Embers?" A female voice says "Yes?" Hally answers back "Um, a Mr. Mycroft Holmes is here. He says he needs to talk to you" Hally slightly clears her throat "Send him in" the phone beeps and a knock is heard "Come in" she says fixing her jacket and leaning back in her seat.

The door opens, a man in a grey, three piece suit, walks in. "Hello Mycroft, what do you need?" "Straight to the point I see" Mycroft says "Go on~" says hally dragging out the last word "I need your help. My brother-" "I am not going to babysit your brother Mycroft" Hally says with annoyed face "Let me finish, my dear. My brother is taking on more serious cases. I need someone from your team who has a watchful eye to keep track of him. I also need you to make sure your sweets stay away from him." "Sweets? Sherlock is a drug addict? Also, Why can't you have someone from your side do this?" "Because he will know it is me. My brother knows nothing of you."

"Tch you never mention me to your brother?" hally says with a fake pout "There has never been a need to." Hally playfully rolls her eyes "Anyway, is there anyway I need to know before I send someone to watch him?" "Nothing too special but he does have a new flat mate so keep a eye on him as well" "Sherlock has a friend?" Hally asks with a confused look on her face "Do you really believe sherlock has friends?" Mycroft says with a blank expression "No". But after a few moments of thinking adds -"then again it's been years since i've seen him, so I wouldn't know"

"Enough chatter, can you send someone to watch him?" Mycroft says slightly agitated. Hally puts a finger to her chin in a mocking thought "I mean..I could.. but what would I get out of it?" "What would you like?" He asks getting more agitated "Nothing in particular.. how about you just let me cash in a favor later on" says Hally with a smirk "Very well" Mycroft says standing up "Leaving already?" Hally says pouting a bit. She didn't mind Mycroft's visits even though he could be a bit of an arse. 

"I have a meeting in an hour" he says fixing his suit, Hally stands as well grabbing her purse. "Leaving as well?" Mycroft says opening the door and guiding her through with his hand at her waist. Hally nods "I need to have a 'talk' with an old friend" she says leading him out of the building "Who? Moriarty?" asks Mycroft as his car pulls up. Hally chuckles shaking her head "You know me all too well, Mycroft" "The art of deduction my dear" Mycroft says with a small smile getting into a car. As the car fades into the distance, Hally gets into her sleek black corvette and drives away.


Word Count: 523

Sorry that this is shorter chapter! I can assure you they will get longer! Bye lovelies! 💕

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