|10| The monster you created

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I opened my eyes feeling an ache in my body. I had been hunched for a while now on what felt like a chair. I immediately tried breaking away

" Y/n/n good to see you! How's the girlfriend and your enforcer friend doing? Don't worry you'll be seeing them very soon." I heard giggling echoing around me

"Powder?" I asked

"Wow you really can't let go of the past can you?" She sat on the arm of my chair and pulled out a bracelet I thought I'd never see again

"I remember when you gave me this. The day I killed everyone you loved. And yet you still hugged me after that. You were kinda like a mom to me in a way. So kind to me no matter how many times I messed up." She brushed her fingers along my cheek

"I wanted to go with you Powder. But you were gone by the time I ran back for you. Please stop this. Let me go and me, you and Vi can all walk away from this. As a family." I decided to be calm with her. As much as I was panicked with my situation I didn't want her to start shooting up the place. All I wanted is to be with Vi and Caitlyn but now I'm starting to wonder if I'm even going to make it out of this mess.

"Say y/n, do you like tea parties? I know you were quite keen on tea parties when we were kids. Why don't I grab your girlfriend and the enforcer so we can all have a chat?" She laughed with a spiteful tone.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain hit the top of my head

As I felt my eyes close I heard her muffled voice "This will all be over soon"

(Vi's Pov)

Maybe I was too harsh on y/n. I didn't mean to hurt her I just want her to be safe.

I lay on the wooden floor of the last drop. I had been taken out by Sevika and I could feel my body giving up.

Well your guard needs work

I scoffed at his familiar voice

I wish I could say it gets easier, kiddo. But I'd be lying. What I can say is... She still needs you. They all do. So what do you say? Vander spoke with a soft voice

I lifted myself up with my hand and spat the excess saliva from my mouth.

That's my girl.

I pulled myself up from the floor and got ready for another round

After wiping the blood from my nose and getting a few punches from Sevika I managed to throw her across the room. She was knocked out with a torn arm.

Once our fight was over i felt myself hit the ground and all i could hear was the ringing sounds of my yelling. I've lost everything and everyone i care about and I'd give anything to be able to see my sister and y/n again and to get out of this mess.

I dragged myself to the bar and slouched onto one of the chairs finally giving myself a chance to rest...

"Bravo, sis."

Suddenly i felt everything go blurry to black.

Time skip

After being unconscious for about an hour i woke up with a throbbing headache and i could feel blood dripping from the side of my head. I looked around and instead of the last drop i had been in i was now in a dimly lit room

Before i could say anything i heard footsteps coming from above me

"Really thought I buried this place. In the distance came out an echoed sigh "But I should have known better."


"Powder?" I called out but with no answer from my sister

"Nothing ever stays dead." Her voice was quiet and filled the room which sent goosebumps down my spine

𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑚𝑦 (vi x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ