𝐥𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. bittersweet goodbyes

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And as much as she prayed and hoped that would happen, now that the moment finally came, she couldn't understand why she halted.

But with one final sigh, she turned her head and didn't look back.

She didn't look back.


Lyla pounded on the door as it continued to rain down on her.

"Merlin fuck, who keeps knocking—"

"Hey James." Lyla whispered as he opened the door.

"Look, I'm sorry that I didn't give you a heads up but is it okay if I—"

James didn't say anything, he simply pulled her inside the house, and into his embrace.

"You can stay here as long as you need Ly." He whispered into her hair.

Lyla nodded as she relaxed and allowed herself to stay inside James' warm and comforting embrace.

"Ayo, Prongsie who was knocking at the—"

Sirius' voice faltered as he saw Lyla there, soaking wet, with a tear streamed face.

He quickly ran towards the two and pulled her into him.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Lyla sobbed into his chest and Sirius felt his heart shatter into pieces.

"Darling, what'd you need to be sorry for?" Sirius whispered soothingly as he looked up at James who had the same worried look as him.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect him." She whispered as she looked up into his eyes.

Sirius' eyes began to water as he shook his head and kissed her forehead.

"Shh, it's okay. It's okay."

"Lyla, you should get some rest." James suggested.

"I'll explain everything to my parents in the morning and you can tell us everything whenever you're ready." He whispered as he brushed a strand of hair from her face.

Lyla nodded as she let James and Sirius walk her to the room.

She sat on the bed and let them mutter some drying and warming spells on her as they handed her blankets.

"Okay, goodnight Ly." James said as he crawled into the space next to her.

She turned to look at Sirius, who was doing the exact same thing as James.

"What are you guys—"

"Shush Ly." James said.

"We just wanna make sure you get a good night's rest."

"I could have gotten one without you two in the bed."

"Bullshit." Sirius said.

Lyla rolled her eyes as she shook her head with a sigh.

"We know you Ly, you wouldn't have fallen asleep, but you would've lied and said you did in order to not let us worry about you." Sirius said.

"I wouldn't have—"

"Yes, you would have."

"Cause that's exactly what Sirius did when he first showed up to my house." James said.

Sirius shrugged and nodded his head as Lyla looked at him.

"After awhile James caught on to it, and he started sleeping in my bed. As weird as it sounds it actually helps."

Lyla sighed in reluctance as she laid down.

James and Sirius laid down next to her, and a peaceful silence washed over them.

Lyla would never admit this, or say it out loud, but she was grateful for the both of them that night, and the nights and days that had passed.

Because they were right.

She did get a good nights sleep with them next to her, she felt safe and protected.

Because as much as they argued, as much as they called each other names, Lyla Vance, Sirius Black, and James Potter truly did love each other.

Not romantically of course, but they loved her, just like she loved them.

Because James was Lyla's brother. He was always there to protect her, like no one else ever would. Just like she would do for him, because she was his sister.

And Sirius was Lyla's soulmate. It was definitely platonic, but he was the person who understood her best, out of everyone. Just like she was the same for him.

They argued, they yelled, they shouted, but they loved, and they protected.

And it was always going to be like that, until the end.

A/n: sorry for such a late update. I've been very, very busy with school and overall have major writers block, so I'm sorry for the inconsistency.

Also i felt like i needed to make a chapter that truly showed the love Sirius, Lyla, and James have for each other.

Cause, I know I brush over it a lot, and I know they argue a lot, but I think it is important to acknowledge that they really do love each other.

I really wanted to show the love and appreciation they have for each other, because that's always been an important part of the Marauders and their friendship.

So anyways, I'm jealous of an Oc that I wrote.

Love you all!


𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora