𝐥𝐱𝐢. minnie's anniversary

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Lyla groaned as she pushed her head farther into the pillow.

"Go away Prongs." She said groggily.

"No." He replied with a cheerful grin as he opened the curtain's covering Remus' bed.

"Get up sleepy head, it's a beautiful day!" James exclaimed as he threw the covers off of her.

"Why do you have to be a morning person?" Lyla whined as James grabbed her calf and began pulling her off the bed.

He simply ignored her comment as he stopped dragging her and dropped her leg next to Sirius, who had a such a murderous look in his eyes, that even Lyla got a little frightened.

"Ahhh good, now you're all awake." James said as he put his hands on his hips satisfied.

"Didn't have much choice now did we." Remus muttered in annoyance.

James simply rolled his eyes and ignored Remus' comment as he kept on grinning at his friends.

"Prongs! It's fucking four am, stop grinning at us like a madman and cut to the damn chase!" Sirius shouted.

"Okay, okay." James huffed.

"So we all know our beloved transfiguration teacher." He began as he started walking around the four Marauders on the floor.

"No, who is she again?" Lyla asked sarcastically.

Once again, James ignored the comment and continued.

"And as we know, today is the day our lovely professor started teaching here at Hogwarts... well twenty-two years ago, but still."

"James, where are you going with this?" Peter asked groggily as he leaned his head on Sirius' shoulder.

"We should throw her an anniversary party!" James exclaimed.

"Since y'know, she's our favorite professor, and probably everybody's favorite professor, I mean unless you have issues then that's a totally different story..." James began to ramble.

"James!" Lyla shouted causing the boy to hum.

"I think it's a great idea, probably the only good one you've had since I've known you—"


"But did you really have to wake us up at four am to tell us this."

James paused for a moment, and he began to think hard, before he laughed nervously.

"Ooh yes?" He said, but it sounded more like a question rather than a statement.

"I'm gonna kill you." Lyla muttered as she halted at him.

"If you do, can you do it quietly." They heard Frank mutter.

"Yeah, 'course." Remus responded.

"Sorry mate." Sirius said before turning back to face James and they were all standing.

James laughed nervously again before sprinting out of the dorm, with an angry Lyla, Sirius, Remus, and Peter hot on his tail.

Frank looked at the door as he heard James' wail and scream in fear.

"They don't pay me enough to deal with this shit." He said as he slowly got out of bed and made his way out of the dorm.


"You five are acting strangely calm." Mcgonagall said as she stared at the five Marauders that were sitting in her office.

The five continued to stare at the older woman as she frowned at them.

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Where stories live. Discover now