Darling, You are the Only Exception.

Start from the beginning

"How are you doing?" Castiel asked after the Human's hand went back to the wheel

"How are you doing?" Dean questioned turning it back to the other

"I asked first." Castiel narrowed his blue eyes at the Hunter

Dean rolled his own.
"Cas I'm in Heaven, how do you think I'm doin'?"

Castiel shrugged, looking back towards the road.
"I'm just making sure you're happy."

Dean shook his head.
"You say that every time we see each other and the answer is still the same. I'm happy Cas, more than I've ever been." He said glancing over at his angelic friend

It was a half truth so not real a flat out lie. He is happier than he's ever been, but Dean... well he's a greedy man and there's something that he wants that would make him completely happy. That would make him whole. He couldn't do it when he was alive. Expectations to fill and all that. It's not a excuse but it was just reality. Sucky reality.

"Good." Castiel gave a curt nod

"Good." Dean mimicked

"Now you gonna answer my question?" He asked

Castiel didn't answer for a moment as if he was trying to find the right words then he spoke once he had them.
"I'm relatively fine also. Helping Jack is pretty easy since there's not much to do other than making sure things go the way they're suppose to."

"How're things on Earth?" Dean glanced over at his friend

Castiel looked over at the hunter who has returned his eyes to the road out of habit even though neither of them would get hurt if he crashed.
"You mean the girls?" He said knowingly

Dean nodded.
"Yeah, them." He answered

Castiel cracked a small fond smile.
"They're fine Dean, for now at least."

"Right Claire and Kaia are probably an old cat ladies now huh?" Dean joked, but he wondered how Alex and Patience lives were going

Last he heard Alex finished nursing school and Patience was hunting though not as much as Claire. Kaia wasn't much for hunting either. A small smirk played on Dean's lips when he thought that maybe Patience was making money by being a psychic like her grandmother though Missouri didn't do it for money as far as Dean knew. Who cares though? A hunter has to make cash where they can since they don't have a Charlie. She was up in Heaven too. Dean went to see her as often as everyone else. She actually helped him figure out a few things.

"They're in her late sixties." Castiel said pulling Dean from his thoughts

"Still hunting?" The other asked raising an eyebrow

"Yeah, mostly." Castiel nodded

"Damn, maybe they'll still kick the bucket naturally unlike the rest of us." Dean shook his head

"I believe they will." Castiel said with conviction

"You check in on them right?" Dean questioned

"Of course Dean." Castiel replied

"Thanks." Dean said

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