Chapter 10: a different plan

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After Maria's father announced that dinner will be tonight, Guido whispers to Ercole "can I talk to you outside?" and the two of them walked out. Once they did so, Guido then begins to whisper quietly so no one can hear "we can't stay for dinner!" Ercole surprised, asked "what? Why not?" Guido gets frustrated with him for not understanding why "because of the plan remember? We're supposed to sneak out tonight, and go back home" he realized that Guido made a plan before they arrived, But He wanted to know more about the human world. And besides, he was already getting used to walking on two legs. He then says "what if we had a different plan?" Guido is shocked at what he just said to him and raises his voice a little. "A different plan What do you mean a different plan? What could you possibly have in mind?" Then Maria, who is inside says, "is everything okay out there?" Ercole responds "yeah yeah, we're just...excited about eating tonight! We've packed up a pretty big appetite" he laughs. Guido facepalms and sighs "okay fine, what is your plan then?" Ercole starts to think about it. Then he comes up with an idea and says "what if we stay for the night, maybe Maria will give us a tour around town." He continues "and she'll show us what her dad does at this "Bakery" thing. And when it's all over, tomorrow night we'll finally sneak out and go back home." When he was done talking about the new "plan," Guido thinks to himself "that is the most stupidest plan ever...but it's better than nothing." He sighs,"alright, we'll go with your plan, let's just hope that horrible human, Luca doesn't bother us." Ercole smiles widely "thank you Guido, you're the best." As they are walking back inside "yeah yeah thank me later" he said. And when they told Ciccio in private the new plan, he was excited because they get to spend more time in their new "temporary" home.

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