Chapter 8: Saved by a human

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Suddenly, out of nowhere an unknown voice can be heard shouting from a far "HEY! Luca Basta!" It was a human girl with medium light brown hair, brown eyes and light skin with freckles. She wore a floral pastel blue dress, black dress shoes with buckles on the bottom, and a gold heart pendant. Luca sees her power walking angrily to him "ugh, what does she want?" He said with annoyance, as he still had Ercole clutched over the fountain. "What do you think you're doing to this poor guy?" She says, crossing her arms with an angry expression "It's none of your business" he said. "It's none of my business?" YOUR'E TRYING TO DROWN HIM I saw the whole thing!" She said in return. He realizes that she was watching the whole time and gives her the reason why he is doing it "him and his stupid little friends over there said I smelled bad and laughed in my face." He continues "so I'm teaching them a lesson NEVER do it again!" He says as he grips Ercole harder. "He-help me miss, pleas!" He begged Maria, "SILENIZO!" Luca yells to him and She starts to get nervous and also sees that Luca's friends are holding Guido and Ciccio as well. "if you and your friends don't let them go I'll..." he interrupts her " you'll what?" with a smug smile on his face. "I'll call the carabinieri on you!" This could get him in big trouble and his father, who is on a business trip, will be furious if he finds out. "Fine" he said then turns to Ercole "you get to live another day" he whispered then lets him go and signals his friends to let Guido and Ciccio go as well. Ercole runs over to them to make sure they're okay and hugs them both in relief. "Now leave them alone and go before I change my mind" she says. "Alright, I'll take my leave, but let me say this..." he turns to Ercole and his friends and lets out one final warning. "I'm watching you three." He said "you're hiding something from me, and I'll find out what it is one way or another, and when I do..." he then does a slow, menacing, cut-throat gesture while looking at them dead in the eyes, especially, At Ercole. After he storms off with his friends behind him, Guido whispered to Ercole frightened by this humans threat "why did he say that? what's gonna happen to us?" Ciccio added "yeah, I'm scared" He sees there fear and pulls them closer to his side for comfort "I don't know, but I promise, I'll never let him hurt you again."

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