New Year With You.

Start from the beginning

The hunter shook his head.
"You don't have to do that." He said

Castiel didn't take it back.
"It's fine, I'm an angel. I don't actually get cold." He told him

Dean looked down at the coat and nodded, relenting.
"Right." He said taking the long tan jacket from the other

Honestly sometimes he forgets Castiel is an angel of the lord and not a human. Even though the awkward guy is much different from Dean, his human qualities make the hunter forget that he's actually a multi-dimensional celestial wave of intent. Other than a few quirks Castiel is as human as an angel can truly get. He has even been mortal at one point. Plus Dean likes his little quirks. Those are what make him Castiel instead of some other angel or Jimmy, the vessel's original host. Dean still wonders what the devout man thinks about how his body is being used now. The hunter actually tries not to do that. He's sure Jimmy would not approve in any way. Then again he was probably a changed man after co-inhabiting his one body with a celestial being. He didn't seem as devout when they first met him so maybe he wouldn't care at all now. It's still weird to think about though so Dean pushed it away.

"Thanks Cas." Dean's lips tugged up a little into a half smile as he put the trench coat on over his own jacket

It caused him some discomfort, but the older Winchester's been through a lot worse situations than having on uncomfortable clothes. It literally could be way worse. Apocalypse worse.

Castiel shook his head.
"It's not a problem Dean, you don't have to thank me." He told the hunter being a humble as ever

"Well I appreciate it anyway." Dean told him as he crossed his arms to trap what was left of his warmth from escaping

"You should have worn more flannel." Castiel said with a small playful grin

"Got three on right now and I'm still freezin' my balls off Cas." Dean chuckled then shivered

"That's a weird expression and use of your bodily anatomy." Castiel pointed out as he shook his head

Dean frowned.
"Never thought about it, but I guess you're right." He shrugged

"Either way I'm still friggin' cold." The hunter shivered once more

"Why don't you go back to the hotel and I'll stay here then?" Castiel suggested more like telling the human

Dean shook his head already knowing where this was going.
"It's fine, I ain't gonna get sick."

Castiel frowned with concern.
"Dean, what if you do get sick. Humans are very prone to getting ill." He said

Dean looked over at the angel unamused.
"You know I raised Sammy, but you two act like you're my mother."

"I'm just concerned for your health." Castiel said with a sigh

"And I'm concerned about that nest of vamps across the street." Dean pointed lazily at the house

Castiel pursed his lips as they stared each other down.
"Fine, i'll drop the subject." He conceded

"Thanks." Dean gave a curt nod

After a moment of silence Castiel spoke again.
"Is there a reason you're extra grumpy tonight?" He asked knowing the human isn't always this stern

"M'not." Dean frowned and sounded like he was pouting

"Is it because I accidentally scratched Baby?" Castiel questioned knowing full well it was probably what had Dean upset

The older Winchester glanced to the side.

Castiel sighed.
"Dean, I fixed it and apologized." He said

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