Chapter 37 - Bloom

Depuis le début

The misty aura Noelle emitted truly was intoxicating, so much so she didn't even hear her daughter's question which she had already asked three times.

"Momma? Are you ok?" Her hand gently grasped onto Juliette's shaking her out of the fog.

"Oh my yes. Yes...yeeees...why yes of course why are you asking such a foolish question?"

The smile Noelle radiated told the story. She was simply thrilled at everything that was happening.


"Yes baby."

With hotpads donned, Juliette opened the oven door to retrieve the goodies she warmed.

"Could I ever tell you something that would be a disappointment to you?"

Slowly Juliette lowered the Le Creuset pot onto a trivet. "Noelle, you should know better than that."

"What I mean an I was with the whole Jack situation?"

The small pot shifted and the enameled heavy iron lid almost slid right off leading Noelle to believe her mother thought an awful revelation was about to be disclosed.

In actuality, it was just a kitchen malfunction and nothing more but it made Noelle more skittish and Juliette knew it.

"I'm so sorry. With it just being your father and me, I don't much use these heavy dishes to warm up much. I tend to forget how these heavy lids can shift."

Eyes met, Juliette now saw her younger self, spitting image...even with cracker crumbs on her lips.

" that what you thought you were? An embarrassment?" Barely a hush was Juliette's voice. "Never...never. Your father and I ached right along with you."

Noelle finished her last few chews of a saltine, ready to hop off the barstool and step away but Juliette wasn't about to allow her daughter to feel one bit of shame.

Wrapping her daughter in her arms Juliette finally declared what Marissa had said for years. "Nothing but a devil in horned-rimmed glasses you hear me? That's all he was...a devil in horned-rimmed glasses."

Juliette took in her daughter's beautiful scent. She missed her and was so happy to have her home.


By now, Prince awakened, dressed and swished some mouthwash. As soon as his head rose from the sink to set on his reflection, he had a funny feeling in his stomach. Maybe he didn't eat enough at lunch, or perhaps it was simply the tension or a mix of both. Shaking off this feeling, he brushed his hair back on both sides, he was ready to find his sweet.

Hopping down the steps with a high bounce, Prince followed the clang of dishes. Leaning on the doorframe, he settled on the picture of Noelle eating peanut butter from the jar while Juliette dished up a good size meal for her.

"Is there enough to share?" Prince asked sheepishly.

"Oh heavens yes. I wasn't sure what you'd like so I thought it would be best to warm everything." A warm smile assured Prince that there was bound to be something he'd enjoy.

His eyes searched the counter and the shrimp did look tasty and the potatoes. A salad is always nice but everything seemed dignified to the point of him being uncomfortable. I mean it's not to say he wouldn't...I mean couldn't be satisfied with this array of food but it had been a hard day.

"Would you be deeply offended if I said I'll pass?" Both women were speechless and Noelle even more so with a mouth stuffed with peanut butter crackers and a bite of potato.

"Wha da hell Pince." A mouthful Noelle ranted with a bit of cracker spraying from her mouth leaving Prince to laugh like a schoolboy.

Juliette's bruised self tried to hold back tears from the wonderful meal she tried to plan for them. This visit meant the world to Juliette. Between her husband and now the failure of the meal, granted it was warmed up, had her emotionally exhausted with how to right the ship.

Earnestly Prince approached Juliette and took her by the hand and then Noelle too.

"Come...let's have some fun." Smirking is what Prince did best and Noelle knew this had to be a brilliant idea...or at least a fun one.

"Ooooh where are we goin?"

Abandoning the spread Juliette was working on, Prince led the women to the car. Hopping in, Prince realized he was more than disgusted with the simple man's ride Noelle rented but his focus was on the destination.

Prince could see Juliette biting her lower lip repeatedly.

"You're gonna ruin your surprise if you're full up on that lip Juliette." He teased.

"MA why are you so nervous?" Noelle questioned.

"Oh Noelle, you know your father. If he comes in that kitchen and sees that spread of expensive food abandoned to spoil, I'll get an unforgettable tongue lashing."

"Is that right?" A broadly smiling Prince confused Juliette.

Noelle smacked Prince's shoulder hard. "Ouch! Come on now."

"Prince, you've already experienced how my father can be."

"Lookie here Juliette, I'm thinking Oliver needs to be reminded how to treat his lady. A tongue lashing means something completely different to me obviously."

Crimson fueled Juliette's cheeks as she shifted toward the middle of the backseat to escape Prince's view. However his focus was no longer on Juliette and instead parking the car upon their arrival.

Noelle read the storefront sign aloud.

"Bloom Tea Inspired Dessert Cafe."

Conscious of how he embarrassed Juliette. "Let's get some to go items and head back to the beautiful spread you were warming up Juliette. There's no need for anyone else to brave Oliver's fury than little ol me."

Prince extended his hand to Juliette helping her to exit the car. Carefully he watched Noelle and her mother excitedly enter the Cafe and beeline to the dessert cases.

Under his breath Prince made his assignment clear with a chuckle. "It's a shame I'm gonna have to get up in Oliver's business to make sure Juliette is being treated as the pretty bloom she is."

To anyone still out there, thanks for taking the time to read. I hope you are staying healthy and safe. Here's a little something toward finishing this story. It's my hope to publish shorter chapters, making it less overwhelming for me as I ease back into writing. Vale💜

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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