iii. the cursed prince

Start from the beginning

"No! Mal!" Yelena heard her sister screaming from the other side of the boat. Alina was over the shoulder of the Shu man with golden eyes and Malyen a few meter from her, the girl with also golden orbs was slicing through his bonds with a knife and tossed it to him after. So they are saving us, but what if it is worst than the Darkling? Tho what could be worst..

"Go!" The girl with golden eyes screamed to them and they started to run. Well, I choose the lesser evil for the moment.

The Darkling was nowhere to be seen and no one else was watching over her. But his biggest mistake was taking her shackles off.

She took the irons from the wooden floor and started walking through the mass of people fighting, her goal was reaching her sister and best friend but Grisha got in her way, trying to seize her. But they weren't dealing with Yelena anymore.

"Hey, stop!" Retvenko went to grab her upper arm but she was quick to dodge his hand, instead she entangled the chains around his arm and pulled hard on them. The man in blue was dragged to the side of the ship without a chance to summon and Mila's foot kicked him in the back, throwing the Squaller off the boat. A little smile crept on her lips, a feeling of satisfaction filled her inside. Seems like I'm still capable even after sleeping like shit and eating nothing. Oh how I wish Inej was here.

She started walking through the deck again, punching some Grisha and helping Sturmhond's crew before reaching the scene: the twins with golden eyes were there, Alina was on the big one's shoulder while the girl had a hand raised in front of a body with blue silks and red embroidered of an Inferni crumpled to the deck. Ivan was in-front of the boy and Alina, his hands also raised and seemed to be crushing his heart because she saw the Shu one grimacing.

She wasn't sure if she acted to protect her sister or out of rage but Mila jumped Ivan from the back and put the chains on his neck, tightening them around. His hands went to the irons squeezing his throat and got distracted from the boy with golden eyes and Alina, but it didn't last long. Ivan gave a few steps back until they reached a wooden wall and he slammed Mila's back into it, loosing her grip on the weapon because of the pain. The man with red silks gripped the chains and took them off his neck with the Summoner's body of his back. She fell to the floor and he instantly jumped her and punched her in the face, his eyes were almost red from fury, matching his kefta. But then he went still and started struggling for breath. Ivan convulsed, his eyes rolled up in his head before collapsing onto the deck on her side, a bubble of blood blossomed and burst on his lips.

She saw his lifeless body next to her. The Darkling's right hand. One of the most powerful Heartrenders in the Second Army. Fedyor's boyfriend. Dead. Saints, what am I going to tell Fedyor? But she couldn't freak out about that just yet, she needed to get Alina and Mal to safety first. Mila got up quickly and went to help the Shu girl with a Squaller, making the same actions with the chains around the Grisha's neck, what gave enough time to the girl to crush their heart. So the Shu twins are Heartrenders. Great.

"I'm Tamar." She spoke after they finished with another Squaller.

"I'm Mi—... Yelena." She corrected herself quickly.

"I believe this is yours." Tamar said and gave her the bandolier and holster with knives that Kirigan had taken from her and kept in his quarters. "Fancy tools you have there."

"I like you, Tamar." she answered and they smiled to each other while Mila put on her claws.

"Stop them!" they heard from somewhere at the prow. Mila turned to find the Darkling grappling with an armed sailor. Mila looked around searching for younger Starkov who was a few meters from her, Genya was in front of her with a gun on her hands, aiming to Alina.

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