"Guys! Come meet Drew," she calls.

"Drew, this is Jin, Joon, Yoongi, J-hope, Jimin, Tae, and JK. I gave you nicknames cus I know how you butcher names out here. Guys, this ogre in disguise is Drew," she says, introduces.

Drew bows to them, a friendly smile on his face and they do the same, surprised.

"Look at you being all culturally aware and shit," Luna teases.

"Nice to meet you. I'm sorry you got stuck with this crazy lady," he says, making Luna roll her eyes.

"We don't mind," Joon chuckles his signature fake chuckle, amusing Luna in the process.

She turns and makes her way inside, Drew following behind and Bangtan all look at each other, caught between marveling at his size and this masterpiece of a house they were standing in front of.

She turns and makes her way inside, Drew following behind and Bangtan all look at each other, caught between marveling at his size and this masterpiece of a house they were standing in front of

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Luna II(A BTS Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now