At the mention of Hakken, Sollel's eyes had a faraway look. "I'd like to think that Hakken is attached to me like how Xeke is attached to you, but there are things I need to know and make sure first before anything else." Then Sollel looked up at the dark sky and smiled. "And if Hakken really wanted me safe, he'll come without me asking."

He wouldn't waste his efforts on me if he would just let me go anyway.

Looking at Queen Sollel, Cira knew she had a plan about Hakken, but Cira didn't ask and just let Her Highness do whatever she wanted to do with him.

"Your Highness, before we leave, let me and Xeke investigate where the kingdom was hiding Queen Gatria."

"No need," Sollel answered, surprising Cira. "I already know where she is."

Cira's eyes widened. "Wh-what? H-how?"

A smile appeared on her lips. "A warlord told me."

Cira was confused. "Warlord? Like a descendant of Sappher?"

"I'm not sure. His weapon was not an arcane weapon, just your normal war blades," Sollel said with a shrug. "The warlord of Sappher all have arcane weapons that only they could wield. And these weapons have abilities that only the wielder could use. When I was fighting the warlord, his weapon has no ability whatsoever. But his fighting prowess was something to be scared of. He's strong..."

"But he fled while fighting Hakken, right?" Cira was not seeing what Sollel was explaining.

Sollel smiled. "Did he really?"

Cira stared at the queen to understand what she was explaining more, but an audible gasp escaped her lips when she saw something on the queen's face. "You're...interested in him."

"Hmm?" Sollel glanced at Cira before nodding. "Yes. I am."

"Oh, my deities..." Cira covered her mouth with her hands in shock. "You're going to break Hakken's heart, Your Highness!"

Sollel laughed a little like something funny just went through her head. "Who says I can't have two? I'm a queen, after all."

Cira was in too much shock that her eyes were about to pop out from their socket. "Holy...deities..."

Sollel couldn't help laughing at Cira's reaction. "Was that shocking?"

Cira nodded aggressively while her hands were still covering her mouth in shock. "I know Her Highness was pure and untouched, so I'm shocked!"

Sollel laughed again. She couldn't help it. "Cira, I may be untouched, but I'm not prude and innocent. I do know a thing or two about copulating and procreation. It was taught to us by our women elders in Yther. As a queen, I have to be well versed in everything, and that includes copulation."

Cira was speechless before pulling herself together. "Well, ah, I didn't see the warlord, so I'm rooting for Hakken."

Sollel smiled, and Cira found it mysterious. Queen Sollel was never interested in romance while they were traveling with Hakken. Yes, she had become close to him, but it was never romantic. There was a connection between the two, but that's it. She was focused on finding and rescuing Queen Gatria. But now the queen seemed interested, not only romantically but also sexually.

What's going on? Cira thought as she stared at the queen even more. Is this part of her plan? Is she planning something? She didn't believe that the queen would be interested in a man without a logical reason.

Cira sighed inwardly. Hakken, wherever you are. I suggest you move quickly, or else...your heart will be torn to pieces.


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