Time Skips (2)

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                                                            ~      1       Day        Later          ~
                                              NAME:-    NARUTO UZUMAKI  /   NAMIKAZE
                                              AGE :-  1 YEAR
                                              PARENTS :- MINATO NAMIKAZE
                                                                    KUSHINA NAMIKAZE (UZUMAKI)
                                              CURRENT STAY :- ORPHANAGE (KONOHA)

                                               STRENGTH :- 32 ( FAR MORE THAN A CHILD)
                                               HP :- 42(FAR MORE THAN A CHILD)
                                               INT :- ( LITTLE MORE THAN A JOUNIN LEVEL)
                                               WISD:- (FAR MORE THAN A CHUNIN LEVEL)
                                               VITALITY :- 6/100(FAR MORE THAN A CHILD)
                                               CHARM :- 182
                                               CHAKRA CONTROL :- 93%(NEARLY PERFECT)
                                               STAT POINTS :- 1

                                                CHAKRA :- (LITTLE MORE THAN A JOUNIN LEVEL)
                                                NINE TAILS CHAKRA(HALF KYUUBI) :- (MICH MORE THAN KAGE LEVEL)
                                                            1) UZUMAKI BLOODLINE (LOCKED)
                                                            2) MINATO'S SPEED  (HALF UNLOCKED)
                                                            3) KUSHINA'S STRENGTH (LOCKED)
                                                            4) RAGE MODE 'GIFTED' (LOCKED)
                                                            5) SYSTEM OPTIONS (LOCKED)
                                                AFFINITY :- ????

Well my chakra control has increased too much now. It'll be soon when i can controll chakra perfectly.
Today nee-chan is coming. I am gonna ask some things to her. Hope she answers them. Since i am a kid it becomes easy to trick everyone. I was wondering that how should i start asking,when she came towards orphanage. Well my vision is more than a normal human. I can look clearly at long pace. My vision power can even surpass a kage. So even if she is far away i can see her,just a little unclear.I prepared myself. But....she is with someone. It's not kakashi,or else i could see a book in his hand. *OBSERVE* 

Whoaa. His chakra flow is nearly as complicated as mine. As for chakra mine is literally hige. But compard to others his is too much and also his vitals are less and he has kept a constant chakra flow in those. He is smart. As for his stance,even if he looks careless,he is alert. Even if someone were to hit him out of blue now, he had win without efforts. But who is he. They came closer. Nee-chan looks close to him. She is blushing a little too. Who can it be? They were nearly in my view. He had black hair,not too long not too short. Just like naruto's hair in his childhood. Eye colour black. He had his one eye covered by his headband. Jounin clothes with kunai and other holders in dark green colour. The clothers of jounins are different and his are different. Why though? Hm..ninja sandals,gloves on hands.

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