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Cazzo, it doesn't matter that Adriano is 19, moved in with the woman he loves in a house of their own, soon will graduate with Master's Degree and honours, has mature plans for his future and so much more. 

He is still my boy - my first son, first little bundle of my joy. I cannot take this easy no matter what and I cannot even imagine how my wife feels - motherly care, worry and love always hit differently and there is no denying it. 

Fifth torturous hour passed. The second 2 doctors exited the surgery room, our heartbeats as if stopped. 

"Mr Russo and Mr Monet?"- asked one of them, holding clipboards with shitload papers attached. 

"Yes."- we said at the same time, our hearts racing like mad from fear and concern. 

"The situation is critical. Each of them got severe injuries."- said the other doctor apologetically, gut wrenching feeling creeping upon us. 

"They were found together near the building, which exploded powerfully. The young man covered Miss Monet, therefore, he took the biggest blow."- stated the doctor, my jaw clenching as I glanced aside, my emotions leaping, clouding my senses. 

"Their lungs suffered a lot. Miss Monet suffered from severe concussion, it might cause temporary amnesia. Due to the explosion, they got a lot of busies and skin damages, such as cuts, scratches; none of them are infected, luckily."- listed down the doctor, our bloods running cold. 

"The biggest concerns include their lungs and Mr Russo's spine."- stated the other doctor, my heartbeat stopping. 

Spine!? The fuck he means by spine?!

"Both of them experiences inner bleeding of lungs and swelling with damage to blood vessels - it is the most dangerous condition. They are truly fortunate not to have harmed their rib cages.  Mr Russo covered Miss Monet, his back facing the explosion, therefore, enduring the forceful air blow. It could have harmed his spine, but we cannot say that for certain until he wakes up and we do a proper X-ray that is impossible right now due to the heavily deranged lungs."- explained doctor, Cloud and I taking deep breaths, pulling ourselves together.

"When will they wake up?"- asked Cloud as collectedly as he could and goddamn, doctors' expressions didn't ease our wrecked nerves. 

"It will be a miracle if Mr Russo wakes up in a month."- one of them said, making time stop. 

"What do you mean by that? What about my daughter?!"- asked in worry and fear Cloud, both doctors shrinking in size. 

"Miss Monet is very feeble, Mr Monet. Too feeble, alas. Mr Russo is exceedingly vigorous, his health allowed us to do all we could to speed up his recovery, but Miss Monet is too ailing for it. Her body is weak and exhausted, she lost a lot of blood and her weight is prime reason why we cannot give her any medication - 47 kilograms simply doesn't allow it."- explained the doctor with comforting look on his face. 

Cloud's P.O.V.

My blood boiled and ran cold. I saw red and my eyes got watery. My jaw and fists clenched so damn firmly. 

I know my daughter - she has healthy lifestyle and 49 kilograms is her comfortable weight. She eats regularly and nutritionally.

This shitty situation is the reason for this and it made me only angrier. 

Once doctors explained the recovery options, medications, gave us files on our children, explained in more detail where they were found and when, they left, saying that we can see our kids in an hour. 

My worry rose as I explained my wife everything once she woke up. Leonardo got even more concerned once he repeated his son's health condition, clarifying everything to his wife. 

All we can do is beg and plead, hope and pray for their quick recovery. 

20 minutes, 30, 40, 45, 50, 55 minutes until finally we were allowed to see our children. 

"Ma petite fleur, Dieu."- spoke shakily Maria as I hugged her, gently turning her away from the sight, unable to bring myself to look either. (My little flower, God.) 

I kissed my wife's forehead, blinking away tears of my own, holding Maria tightly as she hid in my arms, breaking down in my embrace. 

Luna's once silky, dewy, perfectly clear skin is covered in bandages and patches. She is as pale as snow - lifeless. Her naturally petite physic looks tiny here, she looks so delicate and fragile. Oxygen mask on her comely face.

I just...I cannot. 

"Elle s'en sortira, mon amour. Notre fille est si forte et si courageuse. Elle n'abandonnera pas, elle se battra."- I whispered vulnerably as my beloved wiped away tears, her own staining her cheeks. (She will make it, my love. Our daughter is so strong and courages. She won't give up, she will fight.) 

Leonardo's P.O.V.

"Non ci riesco."- almost whispered Cami, shattering at the sight, and I tenderly turned her away, not letting her look. (I cannot.) 

I cannot look either. I simply cannot bring myself to look. The sight is not easy. 

You cannot wish even your worst enemy to go thought this. 

Our once strong, in blooming health, sinewy son looks lifeless. Countless machines, needles in his arm, oxygen mask on his truly perfect face, pale skin covered in bandages and patches. For the first time I see him so fragile and feeble.

I am enraged. I want to murder every single bastard for putting my son in this position. I want bloodshed and savage revenge. I want the world to pay for harming my boy. I am worried in ways I have never been in my entire life. My mind is wrecking itself. My heart is racing in fear, hope, worry and concern. I hate that this happened to my boy. 

But deep down, among all of this mess of emotions, I am so, so, so fucking proud. 

I am proud of my son and the man he became. 

He protected the woman he loves - he did it selflessly, bravely, without reluctance, without fear, without doubts. Adriano put his beloved above everything, including the most priceless thing he has - his life. He put Luna before himself and this is action of a real man. 

This is the action that speaks louder than words ever could, action that proves how much he loves Luna and how far he is ready to go for her. 

This is the perfect man I raised and I am so fucking proud of my son. 

"Nostro figlio è estremamente forte e sopportabile, mio caro. Starà bene, non si arrenderà mai."- I whispered to Cami as she gently wiped away my tear. (Our son is exceedingly strong and endurable, my darling. He will be okay, he will never give up.)

I held my wife in my arms, neither of us able to collect ourselves. 

All we can do now is hope for them to wake up and recover perfectly well. 

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