You have an asthma attack (Requested)

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***Pairing: Margot Robbie x female!readerWarnings: None Requested: Yes! Summary: Margot helps to coax you through an asthma attack

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Pairing: Margot Robbie x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: Yes!
Summary: Margot helps to coax you through an asthma attack


Asthma was something you had been dealing with for as long as you can remember.

Now here you are, dating and in an amazing relationship with the love of your life, Margot Robbie. Yes! THE Margot Robbie, thank you very much.

While you seemed to be an non existent human being to the world, Margot always makes sure to acknowledge you in any situation, big or small. If you had said there have been hard times of any struggles throughout the years you've been together, that would be you telling a lie. The biggest struggle you face, that does the absolute darning things to rip you both apart from each other, and to take away all that you have. However, you had not once given in on giving up and letting it come in between the relationship. Asthma attacks are rare occasions, but they do become very real when one occurs at anytime.

After going for so long without one, you were about to get a surprise of a lifetime as one will soon jump onto you from behind as you decided to leave your inhaler behind that you usually would carry at all times.

Though, today was when you decided to leave it behind since things seemed to be going well enough, it was soon to reveal itself as a big mistake to have made.

While you were out bumming around, it was below freezing and you took on the idea of using the scarf around your neck as a face mask was an attempt to prevent a possible asthma attack.

The second you had felt it begin, Margot noticed right away after hearing that you were starting to sound the slightest problem to catch a breath.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Margot asked, placing a gentle touch on your shoulder.

"Yes, I just feel a little short of breath."

Right as you said that, Margot immediately becomes alarmed for your well-being and doesn't hesitate to push you down on a nearby bench before sitting next to you, while asking for your inhaler.

"I left it home."

"You're kidding, right? Y/n, do you not realize the risk you are putting yourself through? That right there is basically putting yourself in danger. Do you have any idea how serious this is, how serious this could possibly be?"

"I'm sorry..."

Margot was sounding hysterical, in which had started making you feeling very ashamed. Upon hearing your apology, had made her understand that she had upset you, which was not her intention in the slightest.

"No, I'm sorry. Here, drink this and take in deep breaths."

Accepting Margot's cup of water, you had started feeling better while Margot begins messaging soothing circles on your back. She than waits until the cup is empty to speak her mind.

"Feel better?"


"What do you say we take off for home? We can come back out another day, but I just want to make sure you're taken care of before we do anything else like this."

"That sounds good and doable to me."


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