You have bipolar (requested)

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***Pairing: Margot x female!readerWarnings: Mentions of bipolar Requested: Yes!Summary: Margot helps you during the process of coping with bipolar

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Pairing: Margot x female!reader
Warnings: Mentions of bipolar
Requested: Yes!
Summary: Margot helps you during the process of coping with bipolar


It was just the early start of your relationship when she had first noticed it.

She felt the way her heart would race whenever you were in her sights. Even though the relationship was now official, it was a remainder of how she felt towards you from the very first moment her eyes laid on you any time you were by her side.

Despite of how well the relationship was going, there wasn't any denial, or anything in need to hide the fact that there were some insecurities having coursed through. For you, it was a little something called bipolar disorder and you hated to admit that was the only promise you ever broke, didn't keep your word on. You see, in the start of the relationship, you both made a pact, an agreement to not keep secrets from each other and by far, you have told each other everything.

Only to miss out on one, one that you fail to mention and didn't plan on mentioning in the future, whether or not if Margot finds out about it in a way. Though that would be something you prefer, you understood she was bound to uncover what you were hiding from her one day.  While you silently prayed to the heavens that she wouldn't find out quite yet, things couldn't have gone a bit crazy as they did. After a lot of talking, discussing the topic, you both felt ready to take the next level in your relationship. It wasn't long before you find yourself moving in with girlfriend, Margot Robbie shortly after finding an apartment complex that looked very promising; and you both wanted to celebrate in a nice restaurant that was adored by many.

It was an exclusive restaurant, not only did it carry the best tasting food, there was a small dance floor for if couples wanted to make their evening a little more interesting.

Because you haven't taken your prescription medicine, you were understood that you would have to take it later then usual, and that's what you did before heading over to another room Margot was calling you from. Not giving it so much of a thought, you had mistakenly left your medicine bottle next to the bathroom sink, in plain sight for anyone to see. It wasn't until Margot announces she had left something that she needed to retrieve back in your shared bedroom, that you realized your mistake. Upon quick instinct, you try for any excuse to prevent her being the one to get whatever it was she needed as you offered to head back and bring it out to her yourself. This was your attempt to buy yourself some time to put away what you left out.

"I can get it for you, what do you need?" You ask.

"It's alright honey, I can recover it myself. You wait here and we'll go after I get it."

Not even two minutes in since she left, it didn't surprise you in the slightest to hear her calling you to her from the bedroom almost immediately.


You nervously go to her without responding back as you already knew what this was going to be about, and you were already dreading the ordeal ahead.


"Do you care to tell me what this is and why it's here?" She asks, holding up the bottle in one hand, whilst the other rested on her hip. 

"Oh well, I haven't been completely honest with you."

"What do you mean?"

"I might've had kept one secret from you.." you say, almost shamefully.

"What's that?"

"Well, the truth is... I have bipolar disorder and I didn't want to tell you because.."


"Because of past relationships. I dated three before you and once my bipolar was discovered, things have ended on a rough note."

"Why didn't you tell me this before? Sweetheart, I would never leave your side, no matter what. Nothing ever said, will change my mind."

"How did I get so lucky to have you?"

"I could say the same, although we aren't married, but it doesn't hurt to vow through sickness and in health. I'll always be right here, taking care of you."

From that day on, Margot kept that cow as a promise. In turn, you had promised her that there won't be anymore secrets kept from each other in the near future.


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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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