An Encounter With The Team

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Marcie's POV
"Hey kid wait slow down." Was what I heard when I turned to see the entirety of the Avengers staring at me. Captain America and the rest of the team were in their suits as Iron Man pressed a button and his nanotech suit faded away. This then replacing his red and gold look to a pair of faded blue jeans and an old band tee. From over his shoulder there is a teenager to the looks, wearing red and blue spandex with spiderwebs across his back. As I give a confused look to the group if front of me I just laugh.
Tony Stark's POV (Iron Man)
You'd think after being tossed out of the sky, who knows where people would be a little more considerate. But here we are a teenage girl not only running away... but laughing at us the one and only Avengers. Who does this girl think she is. She should be excited to see us her earths protects, I thought to myself. 

Steve Rogers POV (Captain America)
As I stood watching Stark in shock, I tried to hide a laugh as this teenager laughed at us. As time passed the staring contest between the two grew awkward. I tried to break the ice as I asked, "so kid what's your name?"

Marcie's POV
As me and Stark narrowed in on our staring contest that seemed to form. Captain America tried to snap us back to present day. He then proceeded to ask me name. As if I was then one that just fell out of the sky. As I looked at his face as his suit I noticed it was covered in dirt and ash. If I hadn't noticed the rest of the team seemed to follow covered in ash and dirt. I then looked at them curiously. I then responded saying "I'm Marcie but you can call me Mars." As the Avengers looked at me. I thought to myself these people must be in trouble or really good cosplayers.

Authors Note: More to come. Bye!

A Normal Day I Think. A Marvel Fan fiction.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora