The Light

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       "Oww! He really hurt me 'Rina!" Pearl whined.   
    "Well, Cap'n tried to warn you..." Marina replied.
     "Still hurts..." Pearl grumbled.
     "Oh would you stop bitching about that already" I said getting up from my seat on the edge of the platform.  Everyone froze. I had just sworn in front of them, worse, I had called her a bitch. Oh well, maybe I'll give a shit tomorrow.
       "Y-you... you just... you just--" Marina started.
       "Cursed? Used profanity? Called her  a derogatory name? Yep I did, and I don't fucking care." I replied. I looked at 8, who had her head tilted curiously clearly notetaking in her head. I sighed, and started using OSL (Oceanic Sign Language) behind my back. [Don't repeat or pay any attention to some of the words I say, they are bad and I have to work on keeping you away from things like that.] I signed. She nodded happily, Cod her innocence. I thought. And then it happened.


3 just finished signing a message to me in OSL, I nodded to show him I understood. And then he clutched at his chest, his breath coming in short, pained gasps, and fell to one knee. I immediately rushed to his side and put and arm over his back, concern clearly written all over my face.
     "M-m-my b-b-bag. T-the c-case i-in my bag." He gasped. I leapt for his back pack, digging through it and bringing him the black case. He opened it quickly, grabbed a prepped syringe filled with a deep blue liquid that glowed, and jabbed it into his arm. He breathed in sharply, as if in pain, and let out a sigh of releif. He packed up the case, stuck it in his bag, and slung it over his shoulder. I rushed to him and hugged him, whatever just happened to him had scared me, and I needed to know that he was alright. He hugged me back gently, until I lightly pushed on his chest, and he released me from our embrace.
     "What the heck was that?!" Pearl yelled.

3 POV  

   "A story for another time" I replied. I noticed 8 was standing closer now, slightly behind and to my left. Hmmm
   "Why can't you tell us now?" Marina asked
   "Because I don't share personal information with the likes of you Octo" I shot back. [Not you.] I signed to 8 making sure I preserved her feelings.
   "What do you mean by Octo?" Pearl questioned, "'Rina's an Inkling" I laughed, a very loud, sarcastic laugh. I slapped my knee and wiped away an imaginary tear.
   " That was hilarious, please little one, tell me another joke." I said, fake mirth still dripping from my voice. The look on Pearl's face said it all.
   "You really don't know?" I asked, " Well well, let me tell you a little something midget." Pearl's ears reddened, don't really know the girl and I'm already under her skin.
   "The cephalopod you refer to as 'Rina is Marina Ida. An elite Octoling engineer, scientist, and soldier in Octavio's army, while they might have been hypnotized, she is a 100%, cold-blooded octoling."

A/N: Before I start getting hate comments, I was not insulting Marina, Octopi and Squid are in fact, cold-blooded creatures. So back off haters!

   "Wha--?" Pearl started, she looked to Marina for an explanation. Seeing the look her face, Pearl was given her answer.
    "For eel! You're actually an Octoling?!" Pearl shouted, "Why didn't you tell me?!"
   "Try to understand my position Pearlie! An Octoling in Inkopolis? If anyone found out, I would have been shunned! I couldn't tell anyone, not even you!" Marina cried.
   "8's an Octo! You could have used your status as an idol to make sure freed octos are accepted into Inkling society!" Pearl replied. I watched the proceedings with a smirk, knowing I had done my job as a professional jackass.

Take 2

   "I won't let anything happen to 8." I said.
   "And how do we know that?" Marina countered.
   "Well you'll just have to trust me now won't you." I replied, "8" she walked over to me, I wrapped an arm around her waist. She blushed and looked at me quizzically.
"Hold on" I whispered. She nodded and wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my chest. Marina looked absolutely furious. I then leaned back, falling off the platform.
   "NO" Pearl and Marina shouted as they rushed toward the edge. I left a note on the platform that said 'Meet 8 and I in the square. I'm taking her shopping, these clothes, as good as they look, are not appropriate for the public.'--3. Well, he better take care of her. Marina thought

What up!? Another chapter done. If I made any spelling or grammar mistakes please let me know in comments or on my profile. Later!

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