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"so," Noah whispers. "so?" i whisper back. "i hate this movie" he says which i respond to with "you're very picky, aren't you?" Noah nods and lets out a small laugh before laying back on his pillow. I copy Noah, laying down next to him. We lay in silence for a while before Noah says loudly, "this movie sucks a-" He gets cut off my everyone shushing him, which made me giggle. This caused Noah to turn towards me, "Really?" he says. "Sorry" i say in the middle of laughter. He rolls his eyes in a joking way, which i knew because of the smile that appeared on his face. Noah was great at hiding his boredom considering he fell asleep not soon after. Once the movie had ended, Noah was the only one still asleep. Finn noticed and said, "Millie, go grab a sharpie" Millie must've known what he was thinking because she laughed and ran up the stairs quietly. After a minute or so she returned with a black sharpie which she tossed to Finn. He uncapped it and scurried towards Noahs peaceful body. After a few seconds, Finn capped the pen and leaned back, admiring his work. Everyone came over and I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Noah, now awake with a sudden jolt, asked "what're you all laughing at?" "Go look in the mirror!" Gaten said. "Oh no" Noah whispered as he ran to the bathroom. "FINN" He yelled after seeing the thick mustache drawn above his lips. This is when Finn ran, ran for his life. He dashed up the stairs with Noah on his tail. As Finn was about to reach the top of the staircase, Noah leaped toward his left ankle, grabbing it and bringing Finn down with him. The two play wrestled for a little bit, with the rest of us cheering them on. That's when Noahs dad appeared and everyone stopped. His face changed from an angry look, to a smile, which surprised us all. Then, he started laughing and walked away. Everyone just stood there and Noah helped Finn up from the ground.

Not long after, everyone else said their goodnights and layed down for the rest of the night. Noah and i were the only ones awake now. "Y/N, come with me" he said, and extended his hand towards me. I grabbed it and he dragged me up the stairs, and around his house before we stopped at his bedroom, which i recognized from earlier. He led me through the maze of clothes and garbage on the ground to some sliding doors on the far wall. He opened them and said "after you." leading me through them onto a balcony overlooking their yard. I could make out a swimming pool, trampoline, garden and a tree house. I followed Noah to the other side of the balcony, where some reclining chairs stood. We sat down and Noah directed my attention to the stars. "They're beautiful" I said.

'You're beautiful' I thought as I looked down at her. She had a smile on her face, which was still pointed at the stars. I admired her features for a second. Her nice jawline, beautiful teeth and perfect nose. She must've noticed me staring because she turned to look at me. Our eyes met. Mine slowly moved down towards her lips. She cleared her throat and smiled at me. She turned again, out into my yard. 'You blew it Noah' I thought. I sighed, apparently pretty loudly because Y/N looked back at me. She said "It's kinda chilly out here." I saw my chance and took it. I stood up and removed my sweatshirt. I handed it to her and she accepted it, placing it over her shoulders. I sat down, "accidentally" moving my chair closer to hers. She noticed and placed her head on my shoulder like it was nothing and continued staring at the night sky. we stayed like that for a while.


lost and in love (with you) n.s. x readerWhere stories live. Discover now