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y/n= your name
y/l/n= your last name
y/f/n= your full name
h/c= hair color
e/c= eye color
y/n/n= your nickname
"Y/N LETS GO!" my mother screams from the kitchen.
'Ugh' I think before rolling over on my bed. My mom always does this. 'get up! get up!' every. second. of. every. day.
My dads not around much. always traveling for his work. He just leaves his wife and 14 year old daughter. alone. together.
"Y/N" She screams again.
"COMING!" I scream back, but make no effort to move. I know she only wants me so i can slave away for her. like a maid.
{time skip}
Before I realize it, I've been laying in bed for hours. 'Oh God' She's going to kill me.
I roll out of bed before scurrying downstairs to see my mom sitting on our sofa, an empty wine bottle in hand. "Y/N" She says drunkenly. "Go... Do-it". I don't know what she means but i'd rather go around doing pointless chores rather than dealing with...her.
I scrub every inch of the house, picking up laundry and trash, not missing anything. But if there's one thing i know about my mother, it's that she can find the only thing wrong with anything. It's like her superpower.


I wake up the next morning to screaming. God, what did i do this time? It's hard to understand what's she's saying but the only thing I can understand is "Y/N". over and over and over. I quickly rush out of bed and race to the kitchen.
"Well there you are..." She says, clearly hungover. "You... Didn't clean"
"But I-"
"You-Didn't-Clean" she repeats. Before i know it, she's in front of me with her hand raised.

I grab my face in agony. I'm used to it. But if i show no expression, she'll come at me again. I learned the hard way.

Again. again. again.
Months pass. it's only getting worse. her hits get stronger every time. I try to be perfect, but whatever I do, is not good enough for her.
I hate her. I hate her so much. My own mother. Putting me through hell. I doubt that she doesn't realize it, but i wouldn't put it past her. I'm so done.

♡︎Time skip 3 years♡︎
I stuff balled up bunches of clothes into a small backpack. I fill it with a water bottle and some go-go squeeze. That'll do. I grab a sweatshirt and some pants, slip them on and grab some shoes.
I creep my way down the stairs, into the living room, and past the couch where my drunken mother lays. I whisper goodbye, and pray that it wasn't heard. I take one last breath of  my house before walking out the front door into the pouring rain, with my bag slung over my shoulder.

(a/n); idk if i should add like a TW, but i'm sorry if this triggers you. i have a great plan for this book so stay with me for a while. 
ALSO: IF NO ONE TOLD YOU TODAY: you are beautiful, you are kind, you are funny, sweet perfect. i'm so proud of you and how far you've come. i love you.  💕

lost and in love (with you) n.s. x readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu