A Jog

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Marcie's POV
I was on my normal jog around the lake by my house. I wouldn't describe my house as local. As me and my family lived in the middle or no where in the woods. As I finished up my normal jog I decided to take a minute to take in the scenery. From the sun sparkling off the water to the flowers of yellow and green swaying in the gentle breeze. Peaceful that was the only word that came to my mind. After what felt like an hour I decided it was time to head home. But, as I started of a circle of iridescent light appeared in the sky five feet from me. As I cautiously stepped back. To my shock out fell The Avengers. As it took my mind a second to fully realize what was in front of me. I took of at full speed. Not even noticing CAPTAIN AMERICA calling out for me to stop. After I slowed down I took a second to catch my breath. It wasn't that people just fell out of the sky, that freaked me out it was the fact that the Avengers. Characters I had read and watched all my life now even being eighteen who weren't supposed to be real just crashed my morning jog. After my full on sprint. I felt something creep up on my followed with the snap of twigs. I turned around my eyes the size of tea cup saucers to come face to face with the Avengers.

*Authors Note: Hey! This is my first fan fiction. Let me know what you think and any feed back.
Will be updating soon. Bye!

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