Fnaf Crew x Reader- Dancing Conversations

Start from the beginning

You and Jeremy jump and look at the door. Looking at each other, you gesture for him to continue, as you stand up. You walk to the door and slide open the peep-hole. Seeing a woman around your height, beautiful bright blond hair in a signature yellow dress. You squeal and open the door.

"Chica!" You cry out.

"(Y/n)!" Chica cheered. You both hugged each other.

"Come in!" You say, moving to the side. Chica walks in looking around, noticing all the mess of canvases and art supplies. You close the door behind her and walk up to her.

"Welcome to an artist's castle. Also known as your humble abode for the next couple of nights." You beamed. Chica couldn't help but smile.

"Why thank you, I will take this over a grand castle, with servers in my face any day." Chica followed. She looks over at the table to see Jeremy. Jeremy was in deep concentration on his sketch, drawing the last detail.

"Jeremy!" You call out. Jeremy jumped and turned around.

"What? I'm almost finished!" Jeremy groaned. He looks at Chica.

"Oh! Princess! I didn't notice!" Jeremy stammered. He stands up and bows, "My apologies."

"Oh, there's no need for the formalities, just call me Chica." She said calmly. Jeremy rises from his bow.

"Alright... Chica... would you like some food?" Jeremy asks.

"Actually, I have something new I want to make, do you have a kitchen in this artist's castle?"

"Why yes, we do," Jeremy says. He goes through the hallway and enters a room to a rundown kitchen. Chica follows and places the ingredients on the table and began cooking.


"Here you go!" Chica cheered. Placing down a plate of food. You and Jeremy stared at the steaming food in awe.

"It looks delicious! What is it?" You look at her, your mouth starting to salivate at the smell.

"So, my sister made this when she visited a close friend of ours, now it is a favorite of mine. If I remember, she said they called it....pizza?" Chica exclaimed. "Have a bite!"

Without hesitation, you and Jeremy picked up a slice. The smell of cheese and tomato lifting in the air. Taking a bite, you could taste the basil and oregano in the tomato sauce, and the soft, mild taste of the gooey cheese. The crisp flatbread the tomato sauce and cheese rested on complimented the soft texture well.

"Chica, you are an amazing baker!" You exclaim. Jeremy nodded as he stuffed his face with another bite.

"Thank you! It was pretty easy, the hard part was perfecting the flatbread. Sometimes it would come out soggy, other times, well... too burnt." Chica chuckled nervously.

Once everyone was finished with their meal, Jeremy offered to clean up. He let you show Chica her room and have you two catch up.

Showing Chica her room, she placed her things down, lighting the lantern with the candle you held. Her room was cozy, the soft rug on the floor complimented her color pallet well. The bed was slightly stiff, but still comfortable nonetheless. The blanket was soft and fitting as well.

"I love it! I do miss living in the village sometimes," Chica exclaimed.

"What do you mean by that?" You ask.

"Well... before my older sister married the king, we all lived in the village. That is why I am so fond of village life." Chica explained. She sat down on her bed, the comforting feeling of a familiar feeling filling her mind.

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