his favourite place

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As the door fell into its lock, the wave of worry that washed over me in the hallway was already subsiding. Taeyong and Sage turned around to the backseat, watching closely how i slid onto the middle seat and how i put on my seat belt. Both of them scared to ask the question lingering in the air. "He's not at home" i broke out, redeeming them from asking. nobody spoke after i ended. The unwanted fact made us fall into silence. Suddenly i felt alone. I didn't have a significant other to share my fears with. no one was there to give me the comforting warmth of a hug and the fear that my significant other was out there, alone with his thoughts and the scary opportunity to hurt himself, made my anxiety reignite.

Suddenly it couldn't go fast enough and as Taeyong finally started the car i allowed myself to take a small breath. We were still not where we wanted to be but we would find him at any cost.

"Sage do you have any idea or hint where he could be? something he always used for hiding or some type of comfort for him?" At this point i was desperate. Yes we were driving but neither did we have a destination nor a plan what we would do if we would actually find him. We didn't know what to expect. he could be in the worst state and at the same time there was a high possibility that he had calmed down by now and that he would hold his arms open for me, which was what i desperately hoped for. However with every minute that we drove into nowhere that hope vanished. I begged my mind, trying to find any hint that would made it easier to find him.

Suddenly the first day in his apartment made me realise something. As i was searching for a film for us to watch, he seemed restless. Horribly often he rested his hands in his messy hair and his shirt served as a stress ball. I also remember that at some point he went out to grab some fresh air and since he only has a balcony in his apartment he had to be there. I knew from other visits that his balcony was full of every kinds of plants.

"I might know where he is" i whispered, immediately giving Taeyong the direction.


The darkness of the forest surrounded us as Taeyong manoeuvred his car through the trees. It was very late at night by now, causing the humidity in the air to be visible between the logs. Oh my god i just hope we arrive on time... i thought suddenly insecure about the decision. Maybe he just wanted to be by himself without me who put him in that state in the first place. but the next second my urge to clear things up between us was stronger and i was able to push away the insecurity. "How will be able to find him here?" Taeyong asked the confidence in his voice already faded. He was also not sure if this was the right decision, i could tell by the way the tone of his voice dropped at the end and how his pupils trembled. I halted a second: i still know him better than myself, crazy.

"Taeyong why are you doing this for me" i blurted out without thinking twice. His pupils stopped trembling and found my own and i knew i catched him off guard with that question. As he hesitated to answer i remembered that Sage was in the car aswell. "Never mind" i whispered as i opened the car door, causing him to abruptly stop the SUV.

The fog wobbled around my ankles as the cold surrounded my slim figure. I was still wearing the dress from the party and in the short time i stayed in his apartment i didn't think of bringing a hoodie, so i had to endure the cold if i liked it or not. I knew that somewhere around this area there was a small lake. Jeno had brought me here for several walks and he never forgot to mention that it is one of his favourite places to relax. "I think were here" i said more to myself because i didn't know if sage and taeyong had left the car already. A noise to my left indicated that they indeed were right behind me. "are we going?" i heard sage asked. Her voice was filled with worry and the little tremble indicated that she feared something bad might have happened. "Your free to go, maybe its better if he sees someone he wants to see first" i said. She scoffed "i dont think he wants to see me more than he wants to see you" and i watched her climb over the wood and thorns on the soil.

Taeha and Taeyong PoV:

"Are you okay?" His voice pierced through the cold. We've been watching the spot where Sage had dissappeard for a long time. No one confident enough to talk to the other. The pain from what he did shutting me up whilst for him it probably was his ego. "Your asking if i am okay" i scoffed while i didn't dare to turn around, scared that the familiarity of his scent, his eyes his everything would make me go weak. "You don't seem okay so i thought-" he started but i immediately shut his attempts of a conversation down "There you have your answer. Please leave me alone" as i noticed that that wasn't quite possible because we came in his car i added "or at least, dont talk to me. I'm scared i cant hold back my pain when u talk to me" i was surprised of my honesty but i guess my mind was used to being honest to him, unlike his.

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