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TW: Self-h*rm

Drista spent the night crying and biting her own hand to distract herself. Bruno tried his best to stop her, and keep her safe.

Dream tried to give her some space, but ultimately he had to check on her. He could hear her bawling her eyes out from his room.

When Dream got in the room, he quickly walked over and moved her blankets. Making sure she wasn't hurt from self injuries. "Breathe Drista, breathe." He pulled her arm away from her face, looking at the teeth marks along her skin. "Come here." Dream lifted her up since she didn't seem eager to listen.

Practically dragging her, Dream took Drista to her bathroom. He turned on the cold water and led one of her hands underneath it. When she jolted, he knew it was cold enough. He was trying to help her with a less painful and harmful distraction.

Drista coughed and wiped her face in her sleeve. Her face was nothing but tears and potentially, snot. "That's cold..."

"I know." Dream kept her hand there, but his hold was so gentle she could easily move away. "Are you with me now?"

Drista pulled back her hand and placed it on her cheek, shivering at the icy sensation. "What do you want..." Drista coughed again to clear her throat.

"Are you having a bad night? Do you want to have a sleepover in my room?" Dream knew she was a bit old to think sleeping in her brother's room was cool. It was worth a shot though.

"Maybe..." Drista only agreed because it was getting exhausting trying to self soothe. She reached for the towel and dried her hands off.

"Come on." Dream led her back into her room, and took the blanket from the bed.  He placed it around her shoulders and called for Bruno to follow.


The next morning Drista woke up snuggled up in her brother's oversized beanbag chair. Bruno was beside her on the floor, watching over her. She got up and looked towards Dream's bed, he wasn't there. He usually woke earlier than her.

Drista stretched and took some deep breaths. She let out a little whine as she noticed her stomach hurting again. Hopefully she'd feel better in a couple days.

She got up and went to her brother's bathroom, it was obviously closer than hers. There was no point in going to her room just to use the toilet.

After taking care of personal business, she went to the sink to wash her hands. However, life had other plans.

The bottom of the pearly white sink had a bloody rag resting on it. Drista jumped and looked around, now noticing small drops of blood in various other places. She discarded personal feelings and cleanliness, running out of the room. Bruno got to his feet and ran after her, wondering why his girl was so panicked all of a sudden.

Drista went down the stairs so fast, that she practically fell down the last three. "Dream!" She didn't know where to go, so she ran to the living room. When Dream wasn't there, she bolted to the kitchen. Thankfully bumping into her brother on the way.

"What's wrong?" Dream looked extremely concerned since she came running to him so urgently.

"What's wrong? You tell me." Drista panted from all the sudden exercise.

"What do you mean?" Dream led her to a chair but she wouldn't sit down.

"Why is there blood in your bathroom? It's everywhere, drops on the floor, drops on the countertop." Drista had a look of concern, disappointment, and regret. Somehow all at once.

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