Prologue : The National Police Department

Start from the beginning

"I'll suggest we go back to the suite and check the bathroom, there'll be more clues and evidence there". Lily said.

"Let's do that" Mr. Andy concluded as the whole team head out to the Suite.

Getting to the suite.

"Sir, I've seen the victims business card" Hailey said.

"That should help if the suspects DNA can be found on it" said Mr. Andy.

"I'm seeing a key here boss" Jude another officer said.

"We're getting there" Mr. Andy said wiping off the giant sweats that made up his face.

"Sir, there's a gift box here and a torn jacket not too far away from it" Archer he told Mr. Andy as he stood close to the bathtub.

"You mean there's a torn jacket, at least there's a great clue that it's not suicide" Mr. Andy said with relief sounding in his voice. "Lily, pick the eyeglass in the bathtub and the apple on that table let's get going" he gestured as they all made their way out.

At the NPD.

All the officers were sitted and Mr. Andy said "Archer take those torn pieces of the jacket and bring them together as soon as possible, Jude, you go with him".

"Yes boss" they both echoed.

At the Seamstress' place.

"Hello, who is around" he shouted to be loud enough to hear, after seeing that the shop is empty.

"H-i, wh-o, wh-o i-is there" a shaky voice answered from inside.

"It's an old woman" Jude whispered.

"I am the one here" she said as she revealed herself by opening the door.

"Good day ma" Archer greeted her.

"Good day ma" Jude greeted also.

"Good day, how is everything, what do you want" she asked, checking behind as if they were being followed.

"We seek for the seamstress here ma'am" he told the old woman.

"Well I am" looking at their confused faces she affirmed "yes I am, Mary the Seamstress as the name implores" she said looking away pretending not to see their confused faces.

"OK ma we want to join some pieces of clothes" Archer explained, putting his confusions aside.

"What type, skirt, trouser, jacket, gown, garments, which do you want to amend" she asked showing them the way into a cobweb designed and dusty workshop which she called hers.

"People should at least take care of their workshop" Jude soliloquises.

"A jacket ma'am" Archer replied.

"Can I have it?" She asked stretching her hands forth.

Archer reluctantly handed the clothe over to the granny.

"If only Mr. Andy would have allowed me go elsewhere, why would I go through the stress of being here" he thought.

After a couple of minutes she handed the clothes back to Archer and to his surprise they were perfectly back in place.

"Ma'am, thanks a lot, please ma, name your price" Archer said

"Do not worry about the money, you can go now, I have to rest" she said, immediately, closing her windows and urging them to quickly go out, as she shuts the door behind her.

Jude and Archer who joined the Cops just a year earlier barely know that she was the official Seamstress of the NPD, their confusion knew no bounds as they made their way back to the NPD.

At the NPD.

"Sir, there's a logo on the jacket" Archer told Mr. Andy whom he met at the NPD's cafeteria.

"What logo?" He asked.

" NPD's logo, the jacket looks like one of ours I have failed to have realised these earlier sir".

"Our logo?, does that mean there's a Judas within?" He asked with surprise, fear and sadness written boldly on his face, "let me see this myself" he collected the jacket and his wrinkled eyes met with exactly the type of logo broadly placed in his own chest, and the jacket dropped off his hands suddenly.

"Sir the suspect is still unaware, the breast logo is missing which means the murderer purposely removed the logo forgetting there are others elsewhere".

"You have a great point, but without wasting much time we must know the Judas and catch him/her or the NDP will be ridiculed, Archer call a meeting, I want to see you ten officers in the next 10 minutes".

"Yes sir, I'll do that immediately" Archer said as he quickly head out to get others.

All officers were present, as Mr. Andy got himself busy smoking his cigarettes to ease the tension.

"Officers, I commend and laud your effort on the case of the murder, I appreciate that you all stood by me, I appreciate your unity, loyalty and patriotic services, but on the verge of what is happening, we have to arrest one of us, because one of us is the murderer".

"What?!!!!" Lily exclaimed.

"No, unbelievable" Chris and Jude echoed.

"Who could it be?" Mendy exclaimed.

"That's exactly the question" Jane cuts in.

"Now we know its one of us, what are we to do" Sandra added.

"I think I have a solution" Collins said.

"Let's hear it" they all echoed.

"Since the evidence is our official jacket, and which a Cop is entitled to only one in his/her career, let every one bring their jackets forth" Collins said looking carefully into everyone's eyes to know if his words are sinking "there must be someone who will not be able to bring his/her jacket no other evidence is needed" he concluded.

"I'm in support with what Collins has said" Veronica added.

"Let's do it that way" Mr. Andy concluded and then realizes that Archer has been silent, "Archer, hope nothing is wrong, you're unusually silent" Mr. Andy asked.

"Nothing sir, I just decided to observe sir" Archer replied

"Only God knows why you're behaving like the suspect" Collins whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

Archer stood up fast enough and decided to react to Collins misbehavior.

Thanks a lot fans, please let's do this together, the next episode will be drooping next week Monday. Much love #deyoungprof_stories

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