Chapter 48:Lie?...

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Nyko p.o.v.
I layed in my bed and buried my face into my pillow.
What the hell did I do!?
Why would I do that?
I'm so stupid!
I kept my face in my pillow as so many questions filled my head.
Why cant I remember anything...and especially anybody.
I closed my eyes but then I heard my father call me.
"Father?..."I said looking around.
Where was he?I looked at my corebrick and saw it glowing. As I looked at it I started to head towards my closet.I opened my secret door and climbed down it.I started to walk in my secret room and saw my teleporter.I put my brick in and frowned.
"Just what I needed"I crossed my arms as I teleported to quorton.

Chooki p.o.v.
I started to run to Mr.white's shop then as soon as we got there we teleported to quorton.
Everyone was there except for ceylan.Where was he?
We all went towards villius lair.I was about to go until gen grabbed me back and shushed me.them I saw a black and white Tenkai knigh walking past us.It was midnight...
I nodded at gen and he let go of me.I started to peek out of the corner where we head and we eavesdropped

Nyko p.o.v.
"I'm here father!"I said walking toward him.
"Ah there you are...I thought you weren't going to show up"
I laughed and smiled
"I wouldn't do that to you father..."
He smiled and turned around
"Go see if vanetta and SilverSnow showed up..."
I nodded and walked to the teleporter where they usually appear.

Villius p.o.v.
Oh my precious nyko.why should you be the one who lights up my day?Im afraid this all may be a giant lie for you child...
((A/n:a lie!? he's been lying to her all this time?...))
But I'm afraid thing have to be like this...

Sorry it was so short it just I want all the action to be in the next chapter! I will update as soon as possible....such high not be tomorrow or Wednesday because I have later my little cookies!

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