Why should I like the ancient way of filmmaking?

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The old way of filmmaking is much better than the modern days' versions of filmmaking in the movie industry with CGI or VFX. CGI or VFX is very expensive than old schools special effects like a man or woman in a rubber or latex costume to make a monster creature or fantasy without the uses of CGI or VFX just with Special effects with miniature, puppet, in-camera effects, go-motion effect and another old school effect. Special effects are still used in indie movies or B-movies in Hollywood, but special effects are mostly used in the Japanese Movie industry to make them more realistic without the use of CGI or VFX. Japanese special effect media content is more popular than Hollywood CGI content that is full of CGI not with special effects in their content. Special effects are very special in people's hearts to make a movie with less budget to make a movie or TV series with. Some special effects movies make more money than A-list or Hollywood movies at the cinema because the director likes to make movies with less budget and more time to make the movie right without the help of Hollywood Studios. Hollywood messes-up independent movie maker work by adding useless CGI or heavily editing the movie in post-production to dangerous the movie-maker dreams of making movies.

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