"Well you can braid my hair anytime you're bored." she answered, earning a small smile from Jungwon.

"I can't even braid my hair simply."

"I'll teach you if you want." he stated which made her look at him.

"No thanks. I'll stick to you braiding it." she answered.

"Aaaand, done!"

"How do I know you didn't make me look worse?" she teased and questioned him.

He widened his eyes and gasped over exaggeratingly, "How dare you."

"I meaaan you are Yang Jungwon so-"

"You look pretty, don't worry."

Damin scurried to the mirror to see her hair. As soon as she saw it, she gushed at how pretty it looked.

"Wow! It looks so pretty!" she beamed. (i put the pic in the comments).

Jungwon grinned from ear to ear at her smile. It made him feel weird and tingly in his stomach but the good kind. He felt good that he managed to make her happy. (mans a simp now).

"I'm glad you like it." he smiled with his dimples showing.

"Thank you." she poked his dimple. Jungwon's cheeks heated up and he cleared his throat.

"Shouldn't we get going now?" he spoke up and she nodded.


"Looking good there Damin," Jay complimented when they reached there. As to what Jungwon told her, they were gonna watch a movie and Jay's house then just hang out there till they wanted to go.

Of course, Damin was excited since it was her first hangout with friends since she transferred here so she hoped she could make a good impression.

She gawked at the huge mansion in front of her. Not to mention the pretty fountain nearby and how nicely shaped the trees and bushes were.

Damn... If the outside is this pretty then the inside would be even prettier.

Her suspicions were right. They entered inside and Jay brought them upstairs. The house had marble floors and stunning chandeliers.

They entered a room and everyone was already there. The room was like a mini cinema; with a large screen at the from and speakers around the room. They had sofas and huge pillows on the floor.

Heeseung was seen running away while Riki followed close behind with a pillow. Riki then threw the pillow but Heeseung ducked it right away. Long story short it ended up hitting Jay.

"You still didn't tell us why you got detention." Heeseung spoke up, others nodding in agreement.

"Well, I forgot to inform Damin about the project." he answered.

"That's it? Detention for what?" Riki inquired.

"Damin's reason was more valid though... She laughed at him when he fell." said Jungwon.

"I think I might've caused it too." she shrugged.

"Caused it? How?" Sunoo asked.

"Ehhh it's complicated." she brushed it off.

"Let's watch the movie now." Jungwon changed the topic.

The movie they were watching today was The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It. Damin was pleased since she hadn't seen the movie yet as she was busy with moving and transferring. No one else seemed to have any objections.

Damin sat next to Sunoo on the floor since no one else was brave enough to. Someone had turned off the lights and Jake started the movie.

"Not gonna lie, I'm kinda excited." Sunoo whispered.

"Me too. I love horror movies." She whispered back.

"I don't like watching horror movies but I don't mind watching them once in a while. I find it more fun to watch it with friends. That's why I always watch with Riki."

"Right. It makes everything 10x better." Damin replied. "Who's the most scaredy-cat amongst you guys?"

"You didn't hear this from me but... It's Jungwon."

"No way! I wouldn't have guessed."

"Yeah. He seems so cool on the outside but inside, he's really a softie. You just gotta wait."

"What's your favorite horror movie?" she asked.

"The Nun and Ouija." he replied excitedly.

"Ayo me too!" she whispered. They high five each other and continued to talk about other horror movies.

Meanwhile, somebody watched from the sofa, an uncomfortable feeling laying in the pits of his stomach.

He clenched his fists as he slightly pouted. He didn't know what he was feeling. He should be happy that he's hanging out with his friends but seeing someone else make her laugh did slightly bug him.

(hes jealous guys-).

Halfway through the movie, almost everyone had their eyes covered, flinching at any loud sounds from the movie.

At one point, there was a huge jump scare which made everyone scream and flinch except Damin, who seemed unbothered and stayed still as her eyes stuck at the screen, chewing on the popcorn.

Since Riki dropped half of the popcorn, he got up to go refill it for the others. However, when he returned, he hadn't noticed he also spilled some juice so he ended up slipping on it.

Riki shut his eyes and waited for the impact but frowned in confusion when it didn't come. When he opened his eyes, he was met with everyone's gaze at him.

That's when he realized his feet weren't touching the ground. He was floating. In mid-air. So was the popcorn.

'How?' he thought.

He met eyes with Damin who had one of her arms outstretched towards Riki but she wasn't holding him.

"What in the Eleven," Riki muttered under his breath.

Rather it looked like she was trying to control something. His suspicions were confirmed when she did indeed look focused as if she was controlling something.

 His suspicions were confirmed when she did indeed look focused as if she was controlling something

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yes hi.

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