Chapter 10 - Professor Snape's Rival

Start from the beginning

The day promised to be splendidly interesting.

Word had quickly spread that Professor Dumbledore had given Professor Lockhart his permission to start a dueling club, which had been very exhilarating news for the students.

The boys were eager to learn how to battle each other and the girls anxiously anticipated spending an extra hour staring at their handsome professor after classes ended for the afternoon.


At the start of Hogwarts' lunch hour that day, Severus went to Dumbledore's office for a brief moment to bring the headmaster a potion that he had requested.

Unfortunately, Lily came by at that exact time to share a private lunch with her husband

She had thoughtfully packed their meal into a basket and worn the red robes that Severus liked best.

When she arrived at her mate's office and found it empty, she sat with a frown and placed her basket on his wooden desk.

Lily contemplated whether she should abandon her idea and leave or not when she heard footsteps echoing down the hall.

A smile brightened her face.

Ah, Severus was coming!

To prepare herself for her alpha's imminent arrival, Lily bit her lips to plump them up a bit and inhaled deeply so that her heavy breasts swelled alluringly against the confines of her elegant robes, though she hadn't come in hopes of a tryst with her husband that afternoon.

Lily had merely wanted to give Severus a platonic visit and an hour of fond company, but that didn't mean that she couldn't tease her lover by reminding him of what he had to look forward to when he came home that night.

There were two sudden, sharp knocks before the door to Severus's office swung open without a pause.

The surprise was plain on Lily's fair face as Gilderoy Lockhart stuck his head inside the room and called out loudly, "Professor Snape?!"

He started when he saw Lily, but his bright smile did not disappear as he exclaimed, "Oh! Mrs. Snape! Terribly sorry! Please forgive me! I didn't realize that Severus was out!"

"That's alright!" Lily said quickly as she rose from her seat with a nod, "The fault is mine, Professor Lockhart! I didn't mean to startle you...I've come to bring my husband some lunch, but I didn't know that he was going to be busy either. Silly me!"

Lily laughed and Professor Lockhart laughed along with her, but she didn't miss the way that his eyes roamed over her while they shared their customary pleasantries.

Something about Mrs. Snape had aggravated Professor Lockhart when he had met her in Flourish & Blotts.

Perhaps it had been the fact that Lily had seemed immune to his overwhelming charms while she had stood next to her husband......her pale, frowning, awkward husband who didn't have a shred of the grand notoriety or wealth that Gilderoy Lockhart possessed........

Yes, that was it, Lily's reluctance to swoon at Professor Lockhart's feet had bruised the proud, pompous alpha's ego.

While they lingered in Severus's office, Professor Lockhart gazed at Lily's beautiful, red hair, her deep, green eyes, the delicate features of her face and the gorgeous voluptuousness of her figure that was only found among omegas who had borne pups.

Jealousy surged in Gilderoy's heart.

What did Mrs. Snape see in Mr. Snape that she didn't see in him?

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