I will never go clubbing again!

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Layla's P.O.V

When Adam woke me up I was contemplating murdering him, "don't give me the I'm going to murder you look." He said with his hands on his hips, "I would never!" I said with the best innocent smile I could muster. He narrowed his eyes and did a fake hair flip, "what ever just get up, we're going clubbing in a few hours." I looked at the clock, it was already five in the evening." Why did you let me sleep that long?" I asked while yawning, Adam rolled his eyes "Layla you don't normally sleep more than four hours, so I thought you should rest up for our clubbing night!" I laughed Adam is gay so obviously we're going to a gay club, its pretty rare that we go to normal clubs so this one will probably be gay, owned by the mafia, and they probably sell drugs too. "Let me guess this is a gay club that we're going to?" He jumped up and down while squealing, "yes and there are famous people that go there!" Adam is one of those guys that  has high expectations for the guy who wants to date him, he wants a strong, loving, rich, and handsome guy. To put it in a nut shell he wants a sugar daddy, I don't have time to date with school, mom, and a job to balance. Although the guy that I helped on the sub way was pretty handsome, but I don't even know if I'll ever see him again so......

After I got out of bed and ate I started getting ready to go to the club, a good shower and some hair styling later all I needed was to choose an outfit. I decided on some denim jeans and a dark green button up with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows, to finish it up I wore my black combat boots and some eyeliner. I looked pretty normal but Adam said that if someone didn't hit on me that my chances of getting a boyfriend were zero, I didn't know if that was a complement or an insult honestly. I chose to believe it was a compliment though. We left Adam's apartment at seven thirty and started walking to the closest club, the first one we went to was called The Cove. After thirty minutes Adam said there were too many creeps so we decided to try a different club not too far from the cafe, this one was crowded and had an intimidating bouncer. He let me straight through but ID'd Adam which noticeably irritated him.

The name of this one was Devil's Den it was full of people, Adam said he was going to dance and I told him that I would be at the bar. He nodded before running off to the dance floor, after pushing a few people out of my way I found a open chair at the bar. The bartender came over and raised his brows, he must not see many women in a gay club. I laughed at his expression "I'm here with a friend," he nodded seeming to understand my situation before asking me what I wanted to drink. Looking over my options I settled for a strawberry margarita, I thought it was weird that they served margaritas but I felt like one so its what I got. After the past few events I decided to pamper myself a bit, now if only I could get a back massage that would be the bomb! Naturally I can't afford the luxury of going and paying for one, but maybe I can talk Adam into giving me one later.

When the bartender came back he set my drink down "its pretty strong miss," he said before walking over to serve another man that walked up to the bar. It's moments like these that I'm glad I have a high tolerance for liquor, the only time I've gotten drunk was two  years ago. I got dared to drink shots till I passed out, I ended up getting to twenty-two before I fell over. Thats the time I swore off heavy drinking, taking a sip of my drink I noticed it had a unusual taste. It was a really salty taste but I assumed it was from the salt on the rim of the glass. A few sips of my drink my eyes started to feel heavy, I started to make my way to the dance floor to find Adam when I heard someone start to scream my name. The last thing I remember before my eyes shut was Adam being thrown over some guys shoulder and someone grabbing me by my waist, as my eyes shut a familiar voice whispered in my ear "don't worry Layla I've got you." My last thought was "I will never go clubbing again!" And just like that there was darkness.

A/N: And a few more edits here and there....

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