"May the god protect our village," said the old granny "Lady Reahea, please!" the granny smiled.

"Yes" she turns to look at the cliff and the bottom pit, her stomach is hollow, her eyes keep on crying, both of her hands are clutched onto her dress.

"What's wrong Lady Reahea?" said the old Granny behind her ear.

"N-no..i-it's nothing," she said trembling with fear.

"What are you waiting for? Go on, jump" said granny "it's for our village, you will understand, right"

'Then what about me?'

She nods again, turns toward the cliff once again 'I don't wanna...d*e"

'Please, if there is...god will you...grant me, my wish, To Live!' her tear keeps flowing, her leg is trembling with fear barely standing in the same place.

  Abruptly, a hand pushes her from behind. It was like time had stopped for her as her body began to pull by gravity, her eyes widen with tears, and shocked 'ah...my life, it ends...just like this' she keeps falling and falling.

'I haven't tried playing cards like others yet'
  She remembers one time she sees many adults gather around shouting happily while playing a game with the card, but all she can do is look from far away.

'I want to know what it's like to date'
She remembers hearing girls around her age begin to talk about the opposite sex. As they walk by every day, giggling with each other.

'I want to know the feeling of joy and love'
One time there was a festival in the village, she can't go out but she can hear many are full of fun and joy.

'I wish I can play hind and seek with other kids when I was young'
She often sees kids from the neighborhood playing hind and seeks, she wanted to play too but she can't go out.

Her body keeps falling until her veil comes out revealing her (e/c) looking for a glimpse of hope.

'I want to eat a warm meal'
Cold soup makes your skin the same as it is, that is what she has been told to believe. As people walked by days and days she finally know it was a lie.

'I wonder what it like in a mom embrace'
Her memories of her mother are when she come and bow down to her...

'I want to learn swordsmanship from father...'
Her father is an alcoholic, spending days and days doing nothing. She only sees some other dad that walks past by with their daughter.

'Me...where is me!'
All her life she has been called a different name from her own. Living in the dead remains of the past.

  She covers her eyes with her hand crying her eyes out, shouts "I WANT TO LIVE!" a gust of wind flow with her.

"My, My! What is this?" said the unfamiliar voice

  She softly lands into someone's hand '?!' she peeks through her finger to see someone dress in white and 'wings?!'

"Hello there!" he said, "where did you come from?"

"I..." she take her hand away and look up at the sky with a bright sun out "but it was the night a moment ago..." she said mumbling

"Night?" said the voice, this time she was able to look closely at him. Emerald eyes looking at her, his dark blue hair with two braids and tilt of the light turquoise. He dresses weirdly and with wings on his back.

 He lands safely on the ground, he put her down. The girl touches the grass and moves her hand along with it, she feels her chest listening closely to her heartbeats and again she cries.

  The boy with wings starts to panic as to what he should do "w-why are you crying?" but all he got was her crying voice. He looks around and sighs* "there there, let it all out" wraps his arm around her and gently caress her head.

Her eyes widen, and she hesitates to hug him back "..."


----sometime later~

"Are you feeling better now" ask the boy while wiping her tear

"Mhm," she nods "thank *sniff* you..." her eyes are swollen from crying too much.

"Don't worry too much!" he exclaimed, he looks at her curiosity, her face and her dress all seem unfamiliar. Her (e/c) is "beautiful"

"Yes?" she looks at him

"Ah, no! I-I mean the, the tress is beautiful today!" he said nervously.

"Sniff* the tree?" she turns around to see a big tree behind her, she looks closely at it "wow, it's so beautiful"

"Righttttt!" he said

She turns back to this mysterious person in front of her "w..." she whispers

"Hm??" he lean in a bit closer to her "Did you say something?"

The girl's face blush due to a certain action "w-"

"Hm?" he leans in closer

"Who are you?!" she shouted



"And the boy with his majestic wings told her who he is...A god of Anemo who rule over freedom" he continues "the girl was shocked because, because...she, she never thought she would meet a god" he plays his Lyre

"That is not how the story is! The girl never heard of a god-like that!" the little boy protest

"Eh, well..." the bard looks away nervously

"And here I thought you said you make a good first impression," said the boy's cheekily

"Ahhh...well, she just...surprise! Yeh, she was just surprised" the man in green nods his head in agreement.

"Yeh...but what all the Lady Reahea thing!" the boy exclaim

"About that!" he plays his lyre again

Back to the past

"Lady Reahea, she the First Lady who has been sacrificed...just like me," said the girl as she drink her warm tea.

She sits under the tree with a cold night wind, this time her dress change to like a normal local "she the first person who offered herself as a bride, and later on the next girl who born to be the next bride will inherit her name"

"Eh~ but you have your name"

"I am...it's because my grandfather who had passed away give them to me, he also the only person who calls me by my name"

"Hm, I see" the boy sitting next to her "but, how do you like it here, y/n. After all, you've been here a few weeks now!"

She stays quiet as she drinks her cup of warm tea again "I like It here...and I don't need to use other people's names. Just y/n, just plain y/n" she faintly smiles.

"Then me too! I'm glad you are because I would be panicking if you started to find a way home"

"Haha" she laughs "Come on! being with you, Barbatos is more fun than going back" she laughs again, "Thanks to you, I know what it feels like having a friend!"

"Ehe! You're welcome!" he grinned "then shall we head back? It is getting late for you" he stood up and held out his hand.

"Yes, let's go back...home" She holds his hand and smiles.

To be continued...

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