December 24th

157 16 5

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us, Ku-chan?"

Saiki nodded. He knew after yesterday, she couldn't force him to participate in any more socializing. At least not until New Year's.

Finally. Some peace and quiet. None of them will bother me because they're all with their own families. And I think Hairo's still asleep. I don't think I saw him leave...

There was of course, the possibility that he stayed asleep on the chair, in a Santa hat because no one bothered to wake him up.


God, I sure hope not.

The doorbell rang.

I know it's you, Touma. I could hear you for the past three blocks. I swear, you take forever to walk when you're by yourself.

He opened the door, to see a plate of cake with plastic over it with a small tag that read "for Kusuo-kun." It was the cake Akechi had made for the party. He'd promised to bring him leftovers.

It's early, he's dropping this off now? I didn't think he'd even be awake by now.

He looked around, expecting him to be standing in front of him when he looked back, or maybe even come up behind him. He had his ways of sneaking up on him.

Where are you? And why wouldn't you hand me the cake yourself? I thought he knew I didn't mind his visits. I told him that.


Did I tell him that? Or just think it?


I'm sure he knows.

He picked up the cake and looked up.

Is he on the roof? In the trees? Home already?! Where are you hiding, you little creep?

He considered throwing a rock into the bushes.

This is it. Moment of truth. A single word, a single breath and I'll at least have a general idea...




Okay, maybe he anticipated it. I should've expected as much from him. Or course, if he's doing this to freak me out, he'd keep himself hidden. He's not stupid.



Zip. Zilch. Nada.

'Okay, I'm going inside...'

He closed the door.


I kinda wish he'd come inside instead of playing his little mind games.

"Kusuo-kun! I'm sorry!"

He swung the door open, stopping it right before it hit the wall.



Stop it!

"Hello, Kusuo-kun! I apologize for messing with you. I wasn't sure how long I was planning to do this, but I do know that it wasn't a well thought out plan in the slightest."


'How did you get on the roof...?'

"The panels of your house stick out just enough to act as a ledge for climbing. I thought it'd be fun to spook you, but I'm a bit scared to get down. And I- oh, that's handy."

He gracefully floated down.

*Thank you. I might've been stuck up there had I not called out to you, huh? Well I... suppose..."

Saiki set the cake down and gently grabbed Akechi by the shoulders.


Akechi swallowed and chuckled nervously.

"We're still o-outside... I don't-"

'Why would you climb on the ceiling? How long were you there?!'

"Oh. Actually, I'm not entirely sure. I suppose it seemed amusing at the time."


'Why didn't you come inside...?'

"Well, I already have to leave. I told my mother I'd only be gone for a little while. Enjoy the cake."




'Merry Christmas.'

Akechi smiled and waved as he left.

"Merry Christmas!"

Saiki stepped inside once again and set the cake down on the table beside the door.


If I'd skipped the party, I would've gotten half the cake. And I wouldn't have gotten the funky Kit-Kats.


It really wasn't so bad. I spent some time with my friends, and it's not like I was really planning to do anything else. But then there was the mess, and the cookies and the fact that everyone fell asleep... and Touma and Aiura's little prank...


Wonder how mom's going to drag me back next year.

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