December 23rd

197 19 44

How did I end up here?

His mother? No. It didn't happen. His mother definitely didn't make him come here, no siree Bob. In fact, he wasn't here at all. He was still in his room, reading a book, and-

"Kusuo! So glad you could make it!"

He might as well tell himself he came on his own accord.

Aiura led him inside, leaving him wondering why it wasn't Kaidou who opened the door.

"Come in, come in! We're just getting started!"

'Who's here?'

"Oh, we're only waiting for MeKo and Chisapo- Oh, never mind, they're here. Move out of the way."

'You say it like I'm in the way on purpose.'

"Sorry we're late. We were-"

"Irrelevant. We arrived, didn't we...?"

They went into the room to anger Kuboyasu and say hello to everyone else.

"Wow, so soon and he's already being his grumpy miser self. Oh! Kusuo," she whispered. "Surprise! I got you!"

'Are we really doing that now?'

"Just this. You brought your ring, right?"

He nodded.

'Yes. And why'd you tell me to bring it anyway?'

"That's your gift!"


'The ring...?'

"No, silly! I want you to enjoy the party with your besties! Put it on! And before you start bitching about safety and crap, I'll be watching the whole thing with my crystal ball. I got so many funny looks when I brought it in, but it'll be worth it if my soulmate can have a cozy Christmas!"


"I thought I'd be nice to give you a little break, y'know?"

'That's... actually very thoughtful. Thank you, Aiura.'

"Haha, I did good? For real?"

'Yes, thank you.'

Aiura pumped her fist.

"Yeah! And don't worry, there's still a little somethin' somethin' for you under the treeeeeee!"

"That's not a Christmas tree! And we already have one!" yelled Kaidou, pointing to the colorfully decorated tree in the corner of the room.

"No? But it's a tree, and it has lights on it."

Saiki pointed to the commotion, wondering what was going on.

"Oh. Nendou brought a tree. But it's not even like, a Christmas tree? He kinda just brought a literal tree into a house?"

"Um, Nendou-kun? First of all, that's a branch. And it's not even a pine tree," said Hairo, picking it up off the table to examine it closer. "Where did you even get this? Do these grow in the winter?"

"I went out looking for a Christmas tree, and I got the first one that had lights on it."

"Lights? What lights?"

"I took it out. I think it was someone's."

"What? That means the tree was probably someone's too! You can't just go around stealing trees!"

"I wanted to bring something to the party!"

"Not a tree! We already have a tree!" he yelled, flailing his arms in the direction of the tree.

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