Part Five

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Part 5

Vince stood outside the bathroom and closed the door behind him, hearing the lock click into place. His face was a bright, fire truck red.

Chase wanted to get to know him! Chase, the person he had been pining over for months now, actually wanted to get to know him!

Vince let out a sound of glee before realizing that he was alone in the hallway and probably looked like an absolute idiot to anyone who might have seen him.

He was just super happy that Chase was giving him a chance. That was more than he had ever expected.


It was now Monday morning, and Vince and Chase were at school. As he promised his parents, Vince had gone home yesterday evening, but had stayed up late texting Chase. As hard as they tried, the boys couldn't stay away from each other.

Then, it was Monday morning. The only people who even slightly knew that Chase and Vince weren't enemies anymore were Nash and Bryant, their teammates who had found them cuddling in Chase's dorm room Saturday morning. Of course, they wouldn't tell anyone anything, but Vince and Chase had a dilemma.

A very big dilemma.

How were they supposed to act in front of the school who knew very well that the two boys had been enemies from the day they met... except they weren't enemies anymore...

So, Vince and Chase stood alone at the soccer field they had been practicing at only a few days ago. It was only 8:00 a.m., so they had some time before their classes would start.

"I... I don't want to keep our relationship a secret.", Vince began.

Chase spoke at the same time, "Let's tell the team that we don't hate each other anymore.".

Vince and Chase looked at each other and then burst out laughing.

Chase was the first to recover, "I think we have our decision already made for us.".

"Let's tell the team at lunch.", Vince said, grabbing Chase's hand suddenly. "They'll find out before then anyway, since I'm not letting you out of my sight. Or out of a radius of five metres from me.".

Chase clasped Vince's hand back, "We're lucky that we're in the same class then.".

"Definitely.", Vince agreed.

They weren't dating yet, but they definitely weren't acting like two friends would, either. The holding hands, the standing two centimetres away from each other... Nash, Bryant, and the rest of their team knew that something was up between their two captains, but they held their questions until lunch.

At lunch, it was chaos at the soccer team table.

"Are you two friends or something now?", one team member asked.

"You two look like you're dating.", another stated.

"Didn't you use to hate each other like last Friday?", a third questioned.

Vince and Chase shared a small smile before trying to get their team members to calm down. Once they were all settled, it was Nash who spoke first.

"Does this have to do with Saturday?", he asked.

And... the team exploded again.

"What do you mean by 'Saturday'?", one asked.

"Did something happen then?", a second added.

"Come on, guys, just let us explain!", Vince exclaimed, a little frustrated at how his team was acting. He turned to Nash then, "I thought we agreed to never speak of that again?".

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