Part One

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Part 1

Chase walked into the school building with his friends. Unfortunately, his eyes almost instantly landed on his rival — Vincent McGuire, a.k.a. Vince.

Vince, no matter how much Chase tried to butt heads with him, was actually a really nice guy. He was friendly, generous, got good grades, and had amazing soccer skills — all of which Chase was envious of.

It's not like Chase didn't have those skills... he did. The part about Vince that Chase hated was that Vince was the person that Chase tried to be... and couldn't be, no matter how hard he tried. Vince had the one quality that Chase would never have — his natural humanity.

No matter how hard he tried, Chase couldn't be human. He just... wasn't human. He wasn't born human, and although he looked like one, he wasn't actually human. Despite looking, breathing, seeing, feeling, acting like a human (all the -ings, really) he wasn't human on the inside. He could never be. His animalistic side was too... animalistic... to let that happen.

That was why Chase was envious of Vince.

The day had passed by quickly and Chase led his friends to the changing rooms to change for soccer practice. The changing rooms for the soccer team were under the stands. As Chase made his way there with his four friends who were also on the soccer team — Vince wasn't there with them this time — he saw something — no, someone — on the stands. He recognized them too, which made him momentarily abandon his friends and run to the stands, climb up halfway, and pull the person into a big bear hug. His four friends were stunned at the display of affection that Chase was showing because, although he was popular, he rarely ever got super close to someone — and definitely not close enough to hug them.

Chase, on the other hand, was quite literally squealing on the inside like a girl. The person who he was hugging was his brother — his older brother Chance whom he hadn't seen in so long because he was away at university.

Chase was 17, almost 18, and in his last year of high school, whereas Chance was 21 and in his last year of university for his degree in art. After June passed, both brothers would graduate and start a new chapter of their lives. Chase was heading to Kensingburg Sports University in Diamond Ring to play university level soccer. Chance had his own art studio and made decent money selling his work. He also was working as a photographer for an event planning company on the side as a part time job to make extra cash.

Chase didn't know why his brother had suddenly decided to visit him, but he wasn't about to complain. Even though they didn't live together, Chase and Chance were actually really close, and cared much more for each other than they would admit.

"I don't have much time before my practice starts, so I should get going and change.", Chase told his brother. "Why don't you wait for my practice to finish and then we can go out to eat later?".

"OK, then. See you in a bit?", Chance nodded.

"My practice will be over in an hour and a half, two hours tops.", Chase explained. "See you then.".

Chase jogged down the stands and met his friends at the base. "Let's go change, guys. Practice will start soon.".

"Um... who was he?", one of his friends, Nash Barnett, asked as they walked to the changing rooms.

"His name is Chance.", Chase replied. "He is my brother.".

"You have a brother?!", one of his other friends, Myles Crumley, exclaimed.

"Yeah, but I haven't seen him in a few months. I'm actually not sure why he's here. But, I won't complain.", Chase explained.

Before anyone else could say anything, Vince came out of the changing rooms, slamming the door behind him and sporting an angry look on his face along with tightly balled fists.

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