Part Two

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Part 2

Chase got up with a groan... his head was pounding and sweat ran down his face and neck to his chest.

What had just happened?

Before he could come up with an answer, there was a knock on his door.

Chase lived in the dormitory for the Wellington High School students who wanted to live on campus. This school was relatively big in physical size and population, so the dormitory being built a few years ago was a huge advantage for the school. The boys and girls lived in separate dormitory buildings, and there were two options for rooms — either you live in the single rooms or the double rooms. Chase had a scholarship to the school, so his brother really only paid for part of the textbook and boarding fees, along with the extra for having a single dorm. The rest, like the soccer equipment, cafeteria, and majority of the textbook and boarding fees, were paid through his scholarship.

Groaning, Chase got up and padded to the door, leaning against the door frame as he opened it. Vince was on the other side.

"Vi-Vince?", Chase mumbled.

"Chase?", Vince gasped. "Are you okay?".

"I'm... I'm fine...", Chase replied.

He moved out of the doorway and went back into his room, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Vince came in and sat down on one of the chairs. Looking around, he saw that Chase's room was well-kept and tidy. The closet was closet, aside from the shelves that were out in the open, and the books and papers on the desk were in neat piles. The only blemish in it was the rumpled bed, which indicated that Chase must have been sleeping on it before Vince came to visit.

"Why are you here?", Chase asked.

Chase himself was a lot messier than his room, by a 110%. His clothes — which consisted of blue sleep shorts and a white tank top — were rumpled from sleep, his eyes drooping with bags under them, sweat was pouring down his neck, and his long hair tangled up, giving him a bit of a maniac aura.

"Chase... when was the last time you showered?".

Oh, yeah, and he and his room smelt like a teenage boy who hadn't showered in what-was-probably days.

Chase didn't reply, he was falling asleep where he sat on the edge of his bed.

"Chase...?", Vince called softly.

He gasped as Chase began to fall forward in his sleep-induced state. Vince lunged forward a bit and caught him in his arms. He chuckled as he saw that Chase didn't wake up from the impact of his body landing softly in Vince's arms. Then, his smile fell.

Chase looked sweaty and tired... which were symptoms of a fever. Chase had been working extra hard these days, which would lead to exhaustion eventually. And, with it being near the end of the school year, with exams and crunch time coming up... it wouldn't be a surprise if Chase had gotten sick. He did seem to have the symptoms of a fever. A high one, at that. But, the thing was...

His body wasn't warm at all. He seemed to have a normal body temperature.

Chase's body was at his normal body temperature, which was creeping Vince out, because he otherwise had the symptoms of a fever. Chase even looked like he had a fever... the bags under his eyes indicating the uneasy sleep, and his super messy hair which was usually in a ponytail or a bun.

Vince laid Chase down on his bed properly, and tucked the duvet in around him. He would have to talk to Chase later about what was going on, but right now, he needed to take care of his co-captain and the love of his life.

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