Special character appear

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There is a humanoid figure who is standing in the castle who have black skin texture, some white stripes across both of the side and a blue lens and mouth. And that figure is...

Vice: It is I, Vice! I'm happy to meet all you! I'm happy for my appearance in the story by myself in the kamen rider Revice and...

Ikki: it's a Ultraman story, Vice...

Vice: Wait... Ultraman? ARE WE IN THE WRONG STORY?! How am I going to show my fabulous-self to the viewer!

Ikki: Don't be so dramatic, Vice. Anyway, we hoping to meet you all in the future chapter of "Lend me the power of the bond", so we will see you soon!

Vice: Wait a minute... does that mean...

Ikki: you asks to many Vice... why don't you asks the author.

A/n: ?!

Vice: Hey, Author, I have question!

A/n: What is it?

Vice: Are we going to have Sakura and Daiji?

A/n: I don't know but we'll see in the future if they appear or not. Anyway, I will see you all-

Vice: Wait, I have more questions to ask!

A/n: - in next week or two.

Vice: Wait, Author!!!

Lend me the power of the bond!( Ultraman Orb/Kurenai Gai x Lucina)Where stories live. Discover now