Prologue-The beginning

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In the castle, where there have two people who are fighting against a dark mage. The peoples who fought has blue hair, a dark blue shirt without a left sleeve and a brand of the Exalt on his shoulder, and wearing cape hanging around his right shoulder and carrying a legendary weapon, Falchion. the person beside him has twin-pigtail hair with a color of pearls white, wearing a dark coat with some symbols around it, summoning some thunder spell on her tome while helping her comrade beside her. 

The person they fought has dark tan skin with darkish and messy hair and beard, wearing a dark robe with two purple outlines on both side of the robe and reaches to his leg, wearing a slightly sky blue and navy blue cape on his shoulder, while on his hand summoning some of the dark magic which is he implied to used it against them.

The blue man charges him using his Falchion while his comrade preparing to fires her spells at the dark mage. They both exchange blows and the dark mage uses his tome to teleport himself to the top of the room while her comrade yells at her "Up there!" He said as the dark mage tosses his dark tomes to her. She manages to evade the attack and fires back at him with thunder tome which he teleports again and said "Fools!" As he appears at another location and fires a surge of lighting ball to the blue man. The man grunting on the floor while holding his Falchion as support. 

The dark mage charging his tomes spell, as he fires at him "DIE!" But was intercepted by her thunder tomes "Chrom!" and flashes the room with them. She looks at him and said, "He too strong, Chrom..." Chrom replied to her, "Maybe we need to work together to able to defeat him, Robin..." Until a flaming beam breaks through the barrier and shows a mid-20s age person, wearing multi-color armor, holding a sword that appearing has smoke coming out of the sword, the person said while throwing something at them through the barrier as it closes, "USE IT!" 

They both nodded at the person while catching the card in their hand, Robin has a card of a Multi-color giant with a golden line on the chest, while Chrom has a card of silver and red giant with dots around the chest. They both hold the card in their hands as the power of the card shines within them. Chrom felt a sudden strength flow around his body while Robin felt a sudden magical power enhance to her tomes.

The dark mages spoke to them, " Even with those cards, you still can't defeat me!" Chrom replied to the dark mage, "As long as our light is still bright..." Robin continued to finish his sentence, " Our bond will never fade!" 

Both of them rush to the dark mages, Chrom manages to strike him with a tremendous swing from the Falchion as the dark mage grunts in pain, while Robin fires a thunder tome which was enhanced by the card to reveal as a combination of the card power and shot him with a huge impact which finishes him off. The dark mage finally fell to the floor as the purple haze coming out of his body as Robin falls to the floor as she panting exhaustly, the barrier which is fading down as the person runs to them as they return the cards to him, Chrom said, "Thank you for the cards, Gai..." Before he can finish his sentence, the dark mage about to vanish into thin air as he said, "No... not to the liked of you!" Uses his last of his strength and fire a surge of dark spell at them, Robin saw the attack coming at her comrade and pushes them away and got hit by the spell, and impact to the walls behind her.

Chrom runs to her and Gai makes his final strikes to the dark mages as he vanishes into thin air. Chrom holding and said to her; "You all right?" while holding her up as he continued, " We got him. We've won." He looks at her and said, "It's all thanks to you. It's because you've been with ..." As she felt a sudden uneasy feeling through her vein " this whole time." Chrom immediately notices and asks her while Gai ran to them, "What's wrong? Hey, hang in there!" As a surge of thunder rod pierce through his wrist while Gai was struck through his heart and fell to the ground lifeless as she looks at her palm with static as she said, "No... This can't be happening..." while Chrom still has some strength left and said, " It's not your... fault. Get away from here... save... yourself." As he falls to the ground as Robin lets out a stem of tears running through her eyes as she walking back slowly and her mind fills with a devilish laugh.

Lend me the power of the bond!( Ultraman Orb/Kurenai Gai x Lucina)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang