Chapter Fifteen

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"I'm assuming it's...not possible for you to marry my father?" Adam asked. "I'd love to, I would. However, I'm still married to Draco's father's..and becoming not married isn't going to be possible...I won't go back there." Narcissa admitted and Adam held out his hand. After a moment, she slowly took his head. He pulled her to lay down beside him, and she did. "Come here, baby." She said, softly and Adam just broke down crying.

His mom had really abused him in the past, he still had the scars. He needed surgery once. He broken so many bones. Richard had surprise star one weekend and just shown up to get him, to find his son had been beaten near death by her, because he went to get some dinner for himself after not having anything to eat for three days. Richard had saved him, but the memories were so loud in his head and he didn't understand how his own mother could do that, when here was Narcissa. Somebody form a completely different world, care so much about him and his son. Who, he believed, would do anything to protect him.

Narcissa sat Ko on the bed beside them, and locked Adam into a very tight hold who just started sobbing more. "I got you, baby." Was Narcissa's only replied, who laid holding him tightly until he couldn't cry anymore and fell asleep. He wouldn't talk and she wouldn't make  him talk, he just needed to know he was loved and he was, very much.
"There you are." Richard said, turning into the bedroom, holding the newborn girl who was looking to be feed. He frowned. "What happened?" Richard asked as he walked over to the bed. "Star seemed to of made contact. It bothered him deeply, can you fix his phone so he won't be contacted by her?" Narcissa asked, seeing the frowned. "She wasn't suppose to contact him at all." He said, as the baby girl started to fuss, she was hungry. "She... wouldn't take a bottle." He then said. "No. I've been feeding her, Hermione said it was fine. The magic she protecting her." Narcissa said, getting the little girl laid down on her legs. "I know. I suppose I'll need to take your spot." He said, seeing the fussing had woke Adam, but Adam wasn't going to let her go. "Just gather me a blanket and watch Ko?" She asked and he gave her a light kiss, as Richard took the phone. "yell, if you need something Nass."

Draco eased down beside Harry, who was sitting on the bed, reading a book. "Hey, What's on your mind?" Harry asked, seeing Draco frowning lightly. "Adam's mom contact him, and that's upsets him...I suppose I never told you what happened with Adam and his mum, did I?" Draco asked and Harry shook his head. "No, you didn't." Harry pointed out and Draco let out a sigh. "His parents, Richard and his mom, were never married, so His mom had him most of the time. Richard fought to get him, so Adam was going over there every other weekend, but...Adam wasn't growing like he should have been, so Richard popped up unannounced one weekend to find She had beaten him bloody...and the abused had been going on since he could hardly walk ... She just got out of jail...or whatever and wants to try and make it right, but as Adam told me, you don't make something like that, right." Draco frown and Harry shook his head. "No, you don't make something like that, right. Not if it was repeated, like that." Harry pointed out, and Draco eased his head to lay on Harry's shoulder. "It was, very badly. Adam still won't let mum go. She doesn't mind, but I know he is very scared..." Draco said getting an arm locked around him. "Your mum and Richard will take good care of your new brother. How's your sister?" Harry asked. "She's with mum too. Sister won't take a bottle." Draco said and Harry chuckled. "Your mum is breastfeeding then, it's very common." Harry said, and eased Draco to lay down with him.

Come dinner, Adam was feeling more like himself so Narcissa was able to start dinner. "Hey, Destiny." Narcissa smiled lightly, seeing the small framed girl standing close by. "Draco...Sent me down here...I can't eat again. I feel sick." She whispered. "Did you eat both breakfast and lunch?" Narcissa asked and she nodded. "Understand he is only trying to help. I'll talk to Draco, sweetheart. Why don't you take yourself a warm bath? Rest in the water." Narcissa said. "I ... Don't really like to do that...I can wash up, if that's what you want...but I'm...not comfortable taking a bath." She admitted. "That's the reason you need to take a bath, come." Narcissa said.

Narcissa ran a warm bath water, and laid out a fresh and new set of jammies. "Relax in the water for a while Destiny. Would some bubbles help?" Narcissa said, and after a moment, she nodded.

"Mum." Draco whined when he noticed Destiny wasn't joining them for dinner. "Sweetheart, you can't go from zero eating to eating all three times a day. She's resting in some bath water, son." Narcissa said and Draco let out a sigh. "Very well, mum." Draco said, as the rest of them started to eat their dinners. David enter of taking Koda again, and sitting him up on the table. Koda was quick to threw his hand into the mash potatoes on David's plate. "Ko! I was going to feed you!" David fuss but Koda just baby laughed and shoved his hand into his mouth, making a mess of himself, but eating a little off his hand. Adam just reach over and ruffled the little boys head who was quickly getting covered in mash potatoes. A very messy, but happy little boy sitting on the table.

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