Chapter Fourteen

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Draco talked with Sue for over an hour, and made sure everybody else was okay with it, but Draco got custody over David's little sister, who was named Destiny, and Draco could take her home. She was very much neglected, malnourished and abused. She was a very shy and scared little girl, who didn't know what to think walking into her new family.

She was thankful they seemed to be very welcoming, but it made her nerves. She wasn't used to anybody caring about her, checking up on her or anything. She found it very odd when Draco put a bag in her lap. "I'm...not used to hair like yours, but mum helped me pick some stuff out. We can learn together. I'm sure you have such pretty hair." Draco said, as she slowly opened the bag. "...I...haven't really...Been in school.." she whispered. "I know, we are going to get you caught up and hopefully by the fall we can get you in school, okay? My mom needs a few more days of rest, but afterwards she's going to be a big help, alright?" She slowly nodded. "Come, dinner is ready." Draco said. "I'm...not really hungry." She whispered. "Remember what the doctor said? You have to eat, sweetheart. Your just to tiny." Draco said and she slowly nodded.

"Are you all staying for a while?" Draco asked at the dinner table. "I think that would be best. Your mum is working herself up a bit." Richard pointed out. "Ko likes the baby. He gets all wide eyed around her and seems to like their nuzzled times." Adam said. "He knows she's another baby. I'm not sure how babies know when another baby is by them, but often they enjoy them company of one another. Once he gets a little more active. You'd have to keep an eye on his hands. They don't, however, understand, they can't just be baby hit." Harry pointed out. "I know to watch him. I just find it amazing how easily he'll fall asleep by her." Adam pointed out, before Ko fussed out. He smell the food and wanted a bit. David climbed out of he sit and picked up Ko, who giggled out. "He is hungry to." David said, and sat the little boy up on the table, between him and his sit. "David if you let him fall..." Adam fussed. "I'm not going to let the baby fall, but he wants dinner too." David said. "Be sure it's really tiny, David. You don't want him to chock." Narcissa pointed out. "I know how to feed the baby." David fussed, before dinner started back up again.

Little Koda was a happy boy when Adam was giving him his bath in the sink. His tummy was fully mash potatoes. He was a giggly mess and slashing at the water. "Adam, your awfully quiet." Narcissa said, coming up beside him. "Her parents ... Are trying to get take him." He whispered. "I'm pretty sure your father made it clear they have no legal standing over him, Adam." Narcissa said and he shrugged his shoulders. "Then why are we suppose to go to court soon, over it? I won't let them take him." Adam  whispered. "I really don't think you have anything to worry about, Adam. They just want somebody to blame for what happened to their daughter. My understanding, all the medicine in the world couldn't have saved her." Narcissa whispered. "She lied and told them she had been taking her pills, she wasn' when they gave them to her, it was just to much. Just lucky they were able to get to Ko in finish his bath?" He whispered. "Sure."

A few minutes later, Narcissa made the slow walk holding Koda to his chest. Through the house to find Adam, who was laying on his back on the bed. Narcissa sat Koda down on his stomach who let himself drop to lay on his daddy's chest. An arm locked around the boys small body, as he nuzzled to his daddy close. "Adam, don't be afraid to talk to your father or myself. I know it's been difficult on you this last year with what happened to your girl and all. I know ... I don't understand everything, but...I do very much care about you. Very much." Narcissa said. "I know you do...But that's not the only thing bothering me. Star contacted me a couple days ago." He admitted. " tell your father? Wasn't she still in prison?" Narcissa asked, easing to sit on the bed. "She's on parole...and he knows she got out, but didn't expect her to contact." Adam admitted. "What...did she want?" Narcissa asked. "She wants to make things right, but there's nothing she can do to make up for what she done. I don't want to talk to her I don't want to see her. She hasn't been the one to take care of me, and she would have killed me of Dad hadn't came home." He admitted. "Give me your phone, I'll have your father block the contact, okay?" She whispered, and he slowly pulled the phone out of his pocket. "How...come you...liked me so much? I wasn't your kid...I'm not your kid." He said and she took the phone, before easing to lay on her back on the bed beside him. "Your father means a lot to me. I haven't felt anything like what I feel with him before. Just because I was married once...doesn't mean a thing. You were this broken, scared, teenager who needs somebody else to care for. I was happy to take that place. Even if it wasn't returned. Just...who I am, Adam. I seem to many many families broken apart. Things I can't fix, at least with you, I could try and fill the pain your mother left you. Like your father tries to do with Draco." She pointed out.

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