Chapter Eleven

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"Just how Exactly do you plan on checking she the woman won't move?" Adam said, once the shock of everything went away, only a few second laters. "I'm sure between the two of you, you can move her...I really don't want to have to personally check her. I mean...I will, but I'm sure she is going to dislike it more." Hermione replied.

Narcissa wasn't going to let them move her. The pain she was feeling was just getting worst and worst. She really did dismissed the idea of what Hermione had said. Sure, she has gained a little weight, but wasn't at all showing like a pregnant woman would. Hermione explain to her, it's uncommon, but there are cases of woman not growing the very large belly. She almost made the point of the dark magic could have easily hidden the effects of a pregnancy on top of her older age (for pregnancy.) She still wouldn't hear it, but went the sharp pain came back. Is when Richard managed to pulled her knees out. After the pain went more mild, she slowly unfolded. On her hands and knees.

"'ll stop." Was all she mumbled, but she wasn't at all convincing anybody. "Just let her check, can you reverse whatever you did?" Richard asked her. "I...didn't..." Was all she could get out and Hermione let out a sigh. "Adam, Draco. Out." Hermione said and Richard nodded at the two boys, leaving Him, Narcissa and Hermione in the bathroom. "I'm assuming more then Draco's aware of has been used against you?" Hermione asked and after a very long pause. "...Yeah." She replied. "I can't do a reading, for obvious reasons. For...other obvious reasons, maybe explaining this to a doctor would be difficult. I can check but if so-" Hermione started. "I'm...not...seeing a" she mumbled. "Then you'll have to deal with me...and I haven't delivered a baby alone." Narcissa didn't want to believe this was possible. " ridiculous..." Was  the only thing she half mumbled.

A couple minutes later? Narcissa scream out and it really became real for the woman. Not only was she yes, In labor, but the baby was coming quickly since the change in her position. "Get her pants off, now." Hermione said to Richard, who ended up having to call both men back into the bathroom. "Can she even be like this?" Said a very uncomfortable Adam. Who was sitting to her left, a towel blocked his very, thankfully. "Baby's head can be touch, I don't want to risk moving her. Just keep her still, Adam, keep her back as straight as you can Draco."

Just a few minutes later? The newborn girl laid warped in a small towel, in Narcissa's arm who very lazily laid against Richard. "I really don't want a potion to be made Narcissa. I haven't any idea the effects it might have on you. See the doctor. I promise, they'll take care of you. The most personal part is over and just requested a female doctor if you really feel to uncomfortable." Hermione said, and after a tiny objection, she agreed and let them call the ambulance.

"I can't really believe she just had a baby." Draco said to Harry, who was waiting on the bed. "It's not as uncommon as you think, Draco." Harry said but Draco shook his head. "Maybe not under normal conditions, but understand something...She doesn't know I know what he done...I'm really surprised she has such a relationship with Richard." Draco admitted, and frowned. "She'll be fine, Hermione wasn't worried. She just felt safer sending her to a doctor. In case she missed anything." Harry said, patting the bed for Draco to sit beside him. Draco smiled lightly and slowly walked over to the bed. "...If you don't mind...please stop...with the magic..." Draco whispered. "You rather have to help me up and down the stairs, rather then make it much simpler?" Harry asked, slowly locking their hands together. "I...wanted to leave the magic behind, I get there's might be a need for it...but yes, I rather physically help you up and down the stairs." Draco admitted, blushing just slightly. "Okay. I do want to keep it with me." Harry said and Draco agreed.

Hermione hung around and a couple hours later, drove Draco's van with a van full of people, to go to the hospital. "What did dad say?" Adam asked, sitting in the very back by the car seats. "The normal stuff. They agreed if she stay overnight to be watched. They wouldn't do the I.V. She did well, even in the very unusual position and her age. They aren't to worried. She's healthy overall." Hermione replied. "However, you seemed very surprised. Was you not there-" Draco and Adam both replied, quickly. "No, and I (he) doesn't like to talk about it." They both said and Draco agreed to feel them in later, about what happened to Koda's mother. "Harry, you okay to stay with the kids?" Hermione asked, as they pulled into the parking lot. "Yeah. Call me if it gets to long." He smiled lightly.

Draco and Adam walked into the hospital room, Hermione waiting in the hallway. Narcissa sat up in the hospital bed, holding the newborn girl who was warped up in this brand new baby blanket, a tiny little hat on her head. "What did the doctor say about little Missy?" Adam said. "She's healthy. The effects on the meds didn't even show in her blood, I'm assuming she was protected, If if works that way." The realization to both of them, the two muggles knew about the magic. "Yeah, she would have been. Even unknown...Or her own Magic...but I'm not exactly sure how that works with...half and half in her blood." Narcissa said. "I can ask Hermione, she's right outside the door." Draco said. "It's really not that important, Draco. She's not going anywhere, that's for sure." Narcissa replied, quickly.

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