Let's Make This Official

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Skye's POV

A few days later......

Okay, so, Chase and I haven't told Ryder and the others about our unborn puppies yet, mostly because we don't want them to freak out. And Chase is being really supportive, maybe a little too much. 

Right now I'm sitting under a big tree outside the lookout.

" Skye. " I heard a familiar voice call out. It was Chase.

" I'm over here Chase. " I replied.

 He then came to where I was sitting.                                                                                                                            " There you are. I was looking for you. " he came closer and licked my nose. " I need to ask you something. "

" What is it? " I said, as he sat down facing me.

" Skye, I know that there is no one else I rather spend the rest of my life with. " He smiles and then looks deeply into my eyes. " I knew it since the day we played tag on the beach, and now you're carrying our puppies. I know that my life won't be complete without you beside me to share it.  I want you to be my life partner and my lover. You are the most beautiful and intelligent dog I've ever met. Skye, will you marry me? "

 Did Chase really ask me to marry him?!

" Yes or no " he questions

" Yes absolutely yes! " I got so excited, I did a flip but I ended up not landing on my feet.

" Skye, you're not supposed to flip in "your condition", remember? " Chase said, with a worried look.

" Yeah, sorry guess I got a little too excited. "

He chuckled, and we sat there embracing each other. 

" How are you feeling? "

" I'm fine. "

" Are you sure? "

" Yes Chase I'm okay. I wasn't expecting you to ask me to marry you. But I knew it was going to happen anyways. "

" It's the right thing to do, Skye. "

" I know. It's just that everything has been happening so fast these days. "

He nuzzles me. " Everything will be ok. I thought I was the one worrying too much. " He chuckles.

" Hey! " I paw his face and playfully pin him down.                                                                                                  I lick his cheek. " When should we tell everyone that we're getting married? "

" Hmmm.......how about tonight? "

" Okay, but don't you think they'll ask us why where doing this so early? "

" Then we'll just tell them that we love each other so much, we decided to get married as soon as possible. "

" I guess that could work. "

" Well, there's only one way to find out. "


That night.......

Everyone was about to go to bed, but first Chase and I had to tell them that we're engaged. I'm kind of excited but freaked out at the same time. 

" Ahem " Chase said, clearing his throat loudly to get everyone's attention.

Everyone then turns their heads to face us.

" I have an announcement. Skye and I are now engaged. "

All the dogs' eyes widened, including Ryder.                                                                                                               I really hope this will go well.

Ryder then walks up to Chase and me. " Chase, Skye, is this true?! "

" Y-Yes Ryder " Chase and I replied.

Ryder then surprisingly hugs both of us. " Congratulations you two. I actually knew you were gonna get married. But I must admit that I wasn't entirely preparing for it to happen soon. So, why is it that you two are getting married so soon? "

Thank God Chase already knew what to say. " Well, Skye and I love each other so much, we decided to get married as soon as possible. "

I nodded, agreeing to what he had just said.

" I see...." Ryder said, as he looked at us for a few moments.                                                                               " Well, I accept my blessing of your marriage. "

Chase and I sighed in relief.

" Thank you Ryder " we both said.

Then everyone else congratulated us except Everest, then we all went to bed. But then I turned my head to see Ryder looking at us, as if he realized something. I then started to feel a little worried.                                                                                                                                                                                       I hope he hasn't figured it out.


Everest's POV

I'm leaving the lookout, feeling a little upset, for some reason.                                   

I turn my head, as I was leaving, to see Chase and Skye sleeping in their pup houses, which was next to each other.                                                                                                                                                                   I can't believe my best friend is getting married!                                                                                                     I hate to admit it, but I'm so jealous.                                                                                                                             I want love and I want romance.

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