Why are you here?

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Ryder's POV

I was outside the lookout with a cup of fresh and cool water. I just came back from my search and I was really thirsty. When I had a mouthful of water, I got startled by someone yelling which made me spit the water out surprised.

" I said exactly what you have just heard. I'm pregnant. "

Who said that?                                                                                                                                                                          I crept behind a tree to see where that yelling came from. I listened carefully to whoever it was.

" Are you sure?! " said a male dog voice.

" One hundred percent " said a female dog voice.

I listened to their long conversation. Before they leave, I decided to peek to see who it was. And I couldn't believe my eyes.

 I don't believe it!

It was Skye and Chase. I can't believe she's pregnant!

I was shocked and had a little sense of belief that Skye was pregnant and Chase was the father. I then remembered that Skye told me that she had a stomach bug after Marshall had checked her. I didn't why she lied and didn't tell me that she was pregnant. Then I thought maybe she wanted Chase to know first.

He is the father after all.........


Everest's POV

Me and Jake went for little snowboarding. Today since Ryder didn't call me for any emergency or missions, I just decided it would be best to relax. 

Me and Jake were just talking outside the house when I noticed something or someone roaming about in the woods.

" Hey Jake! " I called to him

" What is it Everest? " he replied.

" I can see something or someone roaming in the woods. Should I go see what it is? "

" Ok, but be careful. "

" I will. " I then run off to find the strange thing that was in the woods. As soon as I enter the woods, I don't see the strange thing. I start searching, hoping to find it. Suddenly, I heard a twig snap and someone tripping and falling with a thud. I ran to the strange noise and sprung through the path of trees. And I ended up pinning someone.....most likely it was some dog.

Marshall's POV

 I came to Jake's mountain to do some snowboarding. But while I was doing that, I ended clumsily landing into the woods and I've injured my paw. So, I decided to leave the mountain before it got dark. As I was walking the woods managing with my injured paw, I stepped on a twig and ended up tripping and falling clumsily with a thud. And as soon as I get up, someone suddenly pounced out of the trees and pinned me, but it was actually some dog. She was a female husky with lavender-white fur, a cyan winter hat and blue eyes. It was Everest. And then she realized who I was.

" Marshall? " she said

" Hey Everest, yeah it's me. Now please, let me up. "

" Oh, sorry. I didn't know it was you. " she said, feeling a bit guilty for pinning me.

" It's alright. "

I then stared at her.

" So, what are you doing here? " she then asks.

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