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The dark room lit up when the door opened as he, Marshal enters the room. Although the name being soft, he isn't. People bow down to him.  His serious 'no-bullshit-only-work' face - as his friend often describes, is on. The guards in the room, don't dare utter a word. His stride filled with confidence, makes the guards move back. The man tied to the chair whimpers, trying to get himself free, wriggling through. He stops when he sees Marshal enter.

Marshal moves in front of the tied man's, who gulps. Clad in black button up, black denim with a gun in his gloved hands. He looks lethal.

"Look man.. sir..I am sorry... sir..please"  he begs wrenching in his seat.

"Who sent you to the school?"  He asks . The guards and man, could tell he was furious.

He wants nothing more than to know who did it. The man, cries in anger at not being to free himself. He didn't want to die, but looking at Marshal's stoic face, he knows the end.

" now I don't know man! They don't tell me.. I' was just a job man! It was just a threat.." He sweats, the drops going into his eyes, making him a blinking mess. He hears a gun cocked at his head by a guard, with a name tag Alex.

Another person enters the room. The guards now bow their heads at him.
"So now let's get to a deal shall we, Ceilo, you give me a name and he'll kill you fast. Or you'll give me a name anyway"  Knight says, waiting for the man, to give him a name.

Ceilo looks up, his face now wet from sweat. His eyes tearing up. He yells at no one in particular, shaking the chair he's tied to. All the people in room looks as though habitat to this. He shakes his head, mumbling.

"I, please I have a daughter. Please.." he begs, Alex shoots at the wall, causing him to flinch. He speaks with croaking voice, "He'll come for you any way. He.. look-"

"Your daughter, Lara is it. You beg wanting to go to her, yet you treat her like hell. You think I wouldn't know!"  asks Marshal, his tone icy filled with hatred. Ceilo stares at him wide eyed.

"What I do is none of  your business she's daughter.. " Ceilo stops when he's shot on his knees by Knight whose face is red with anger.

"You're a piece of trash. You do that to a 10 year old child and defend yourself! Fine, Alex finish it" Alex nods and shoots Ceilo in his face who falls along with his chair.

Marshal looks at the dead body, his hands twitching. His jaws clenched as he leaves the warehouse followed by Knight. They are out of the warehouse to their home. Marshal's long strides followed by Knights's could make anyone on their way move, that's how powerful the duo is. The guards around the house bow their head, opening the door of the house. Marshal nods his head in response, twinned by Knight.

"You had his daughter admitted in school didn't you Abhi?" Knight asks once they're in the living room.

 "Yes, I had information about him taken out. He abused his daughter, Veer. So I had her taken care of." Abhishek admits with a shrug of his shoulder, like it's not a big deal. 

"Wow you and your sister never fail to surprise me!" Veeranshu says a proud glint in his eyes.
"It's not you Abhi, it's him, come on man, we both know it. No child will go through what you had to" Veer tells him as he walks to the kitchen, gets two beer mugs and hands one to Abhi who takes it.

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