Chapter VIII

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A/N: Really sorry to  everyone but I was too busy working this Christmas Season that I got too tired to update the novel so now that the season is ending, I am finally able to find time to update the story and hopefully end it as soon as possible.

Once again, thank you to those of you that keep checking and waiting for the updates of this story. For those that just join us, thank you for reading 'Next Stop, Love' and I would really appreciate it if you leave likes and comments along the story.

Let's continue with P'Forth and his Beamy


Beam POV:

"Hands! Off! My! Man!"

Despite the situation in front of me being a complete utter mess with P'Forth punching this man who definitely deserves it and the nearby patrons that are speechless with the turn of events, I was too paralyzed with shock as my brain takes in the turn of events.

I didn't even realise that Kit and Wayo had steered me away from the drama and into Ming's office, located at the back of the cafe. I saw figures moving around me, how Pha and Ming instantly shielded me further from the man and P'Forth yet my mind was still occupied by P'Forth's words.

My Man. My Man. My Man.

Did he really say that. Did he claim me as his partner or lover or whatever it is we are right now. I admit that spending so much time with him for the past months did conjure up emotions and desires which are foreign to me, that I refused to act on them out of fear that things could be one sided. However, today proved that we might have a chance but am I willing to take that risk.

"Where is he? How is he doing?"

Ming's office isn't really soundproof but the clear glass that separates his workspace from the rest of the Kitchen does muffle out voices to a certain extent. My train of thoughts was halted when Kit guided P'Forth into the office while the rest stood outside.

I took the time to register his current physical state; his face showing early signs of sweat, veins bulging out of his temples, his chest raising up and down sharply as he tries to control his anger but his eyes reflect so much concern underneath all that anger.

"Are you okay Beam? Did that man go too far with his actions?"

P'Forth kneeled infront of me as he reached out to caress my cheeks. Instinctively, I give in to the warmth of his touch, foreign but comforting.

"Beamy, talk to me. I'm even more worried that you're not responding."

"Beamy, Baby, Please."

Forth POV:

My eyes see red the moment I walk into the cafe to see Beam being harassed by that despicable, vile creature of a man. How dare he touch what's mine. Even if it wasn't Beam in that spot earlier, I would have still stepped in because it is morally wrong. Unfortunately for that man, he chose Beam to be his victim today. Big mistake.

I knew Beam would be freaking out even more when I claimed him as mine earlier but I was too high on adrenaline rush and anger to care much about his reaction but rather his safety. That leprechaun better be thanking Pha and Ming or else he would be on the way to the City Morgue right now.

I know it's too soon and will be a shocker to Beam but it's high time I grow a pair and be honest of my intentions to him for the past few months. Even though the situation is not favorable, it's now or never.

"Beamy, baby, please."

He immediately pulled away from my touch and the air became awkward as millions of questions became evident on his face.

"Wha- wha- what are you talking about P'Forth. Don't joke about this."

He tried to push me away but I held him firm on his arms as I kneeled in front of him.

"Beamy, I believe you are wise enough to know that for the past few months, it has been more than just two strangers becoming friends, it has evolved into something more than that."

"P'Forth, I - "

"No Beam, please let me finish first. While I am high on adrenaline, the only time I have the courage to speak what my heart yearns to say. I might strike fear in people's work life because of my uptight, no nonsense behavior but you, you strike fear in my heart Beamy."

"So Beamy, baby, may I officially have your permission to court you. To be more than just friends, to have you more than just as Sunny's playmate. May I?"

I sealed the moment with a slow kiss on his ever soft lips. Savoring the moment as I prepare myself for his reaction. It could go two ways, either with him in my arms tonight or him in someone else's for the rest of his life.

"So what will your answer be? Beamy"

Beam POV:

To say that I was shocked was an understatement. I have yet to fully process earlier events and now I have to process an even more shocking turn of events. P'Forth wants to court me and he is asking my permission for it.

To top things off, he kissed me. Not like a peck but an actual kiss, a slow one. My mind was frantic but his kiss calmed it down. The storm in my head just disappears. I feel light as though I am being carried in the wind. I also know that this was the perfect moment to ask P'Forth that one question that's been bugging me all this while.

"Before I give you my answer, answer me first P'Forth. Where is Sunny's mum?"


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