Alex (AKA Smarvis) ~ Parvis Bug

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"Get out. Get out of here. Get out of my flat, out of my mind, out of MY LIFE! NOW GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I KICK YOU!" Alex shouted at Parv, who stumbled backwards, grabbing his phone and preparing to bolt. Alex towered above him, a menacing presence, and even PARV, the joint-craziest and least-likely-to-get-hints guy in the world could feel a change in the atmosphere from the loving, gentle caring one of a minute ago to the hostile, agitated environment that was rapidly forming around him, quicker than one of Sjin's speed-builds. A slight rumble that Parv assumed Alex didn't hear from outside the window made him chuckle - thunder and lightning. He loved it, but knew another certain someone didn't...

Alex was absolutely DONE with Parv. He'd known Alex had anger issues, he'd known what triggered them, yet he still decided to stretch him over the edge. No one, NO ONE insulted his guitar, not even Parv. Everyone knew that it reminded him of 'a bad time', but only Parv had actually been trusted enough to know what. Trusted not to compare it to his unwillingly admittedly better one. Trusted not to blatantly insult it in front of the one man he couldn't. Well, all that trust was gone, out the window. It may've seemed a bit of an overreaction to anyone else, but they both knew Alex, both knew how close he was to snapping and flipping out - both knew how well he was holding on. With a snarl, he slammed the door on a guilty-looking Parvis, and stormed across the room to where his guitar lay. It was beautiful, to Alex anyway, and had a unique pattern tattooed round the edge. Not bothering to tune it - why should he bother? - he picked it up and started playing the first song that came to mind. Surprisingly, it summed up his current situation pretty well, but the irony lay in the fact that it was by Area 11: Euphemia. Being perfectly honest, Alex didn't give two shits at that precise moment in time, instead choosing to focus his attention on letting out the rage through his voice and the fingers that plucked at and moved along the guitar with such ease, as opposed to punching the wall like he normally did. When it got really bad, he'd sometimes get drastic, and head to the kitchen where the knives were... Shaking these thoughts from his head, Alex mercilessly strummed the instrument with all his might, wishing inside that playing it enough would take away the pain and sting of that insult. Letting the anger overcome his voice at last, the song's haunting lyrics echoed round the flat.

"As I looked into the burning sky,
A tear forming in my eye,
Memories of fallen dreams,
And all those that have died.

Demons are possessing me,
Robbed of my eternity,
A cloud of ash that pierced the night,
I feel my hate take flight.

I'm choking on my own words and I'm scared of backing down,
Because the hope within us all is up in flames,
Twisted by my warring conscience, the situation's pushing onwards,
Genocide forever taints your name.

This can't be, was this me?
I think I've lost control.
I caused this, I forced this,
Can I continue on?

I have caused this,
I have forced this,
I caused this, I forced this,
I caused this.

Mou Oshimai D-" Alex's singing stopped abruptly as he heard a frantic knock on the door. Rolling his eyes, he stood up, preparing himself to tell Parv to fuck off if need be. As the door swung open, he was met by possibly the biggest hug he'd ever received. Parv looked up, green eyes meeting blue, and for some reason, Alex felt his anger with the shorter, black haired asshole melting away as he gazed down on him with a look that can only be described as pity.
"Parv, Mate? What's wrong? Look, I get that yeah, I was a bit harsh, but I do need to breathe as well you know!" he chuckled, trying to make light of this bizarre situation. Reluctantly, Parv detached himself from the tall, bearded man as he shook in fear. Extremely quietly, by his standards anyway, he whispered something barely audible,
"I-I'm s-sca-ared Alex. I'm r-r-really f-fucking s-sca-ared.", and pointed towards the hallway outside the flat. It was only then that Alex noticed the fact that a full blackout had ensued, not to mention the fact that Parv was absolutely petrified of the dark. Without any further thought, Parv was surprised to find himself being whisked into the flat by a firm, comforting hand. Needless to say, Alex was just as surprised by his own actions, and opened his mouth to say anything but was cut off by a loud crash and flash directly outside the window, not to mention the fact that his flat was plunged into pitch-darkness.
"SHIT." Both men has the exact same reaction, but to different things. Parv, on one hand, obviously scared by the sudden darkness, Alex, on the other, petrified by the lightning directly outside his window. Fumbling their way to the sofa, they clutched each other desperately, both shaking as terrified sobs wracked their bodies. Refusing to move, their every noise echoed and magnified due to the amazing acoustics of the room.

Eventually, the power flickered back on, and Parv's face instantly turned to a grin. Jumping up, the skilled guitarist went to leave the flat, hand on the doorknob, only turning around to greet Alex farewell. CRASH! Outside, the storm grew more and more violent, and as the windows started to rattle and shake within their frames, something else rattled and shook with them. As the wind moaned and cried out, something else moaned and cried out with it. No, not someTHING. SomeONE. There lay Alex, trembling in pure and absolute fear. Not stopping to consider what he was doing, the shorter man dived on the now-even-more-terrified ginger, who appropriately screamed as he felt a Parvis bug latch onto his back, knowing it wouldn't let go until he was happy again. Normally, it would've been a nuisance, but today it was better. After a while, Alex heard the soft, rumbling snores that could only mean one thing: The Parvis bug was fast asleep. When the Parvis bug goes to sleep, very few things can wake them up, Alexander Smith included as a general rule. This time however, as with so many other things that night, was an exception, and the Parvis bug awoke the second its host-creature told it to. Actually, it went more along the lines of:
"OKAY ALEXANDER CASPAR PARVIS WAKE THE FUCK UP RIGHT THIS SECOND MATE!" Sure enough, Parv jumped awake with a gasp and shriek, soon changing to a sympathetic noise as Alex buried his head in his hands, trying to ignore the thunder ensuing outside. Somehow knowing exactly what to do, he quietly picked up the zoned-out ginger giant and carried him to his room. There they lay, with Parv's arm around his waist, a protective hand in his hair, as Alex was forced to look into his eyes, in an attempt to calm him down. Slowly, softly rocking the panicking guy that sat on him, Parv began to sing the first song that came to mind, spurred on by looking into Alex's swirling blue eyes.
"Mou Oshimai Da,
Betrayed by trust, forever left to scream,
Oh hold me closely and die in my arms,
Then take this secret with you.

Then take this secret with you.

I became your puppet master,
As you stared into my eyes,
Then stood and watched in horror
As you ordered them to die.

This could fuel the revolution!
This could be my last solution,
And all good victories
Come with a price.

Mou Oshimai Da,
Betrayed by trust, forever left to scream,
Oh hold me closely and die in my arms,
Then take this secret with you.

Then take this secret with you.

"Mou Oshimai Da,
Betrayed by trust, forever left to scream,
Oh hold me closely and die in my arms,
Then take this secret with you.

Then take this secret with you.

Just take my secret with you."" By the end of the song, Alex was singing too. Little did Parv know that he'd been singing that song earlier, or that that had been where he'd stopped. Alex smiled as he listened out of the window and heard thunder - he had his Parvykins now. He was safe. Together they lay back on the bed, still locked in a warm embrace. Not caring as sleep began to take its hold, Alex turned to Parv and whispered in his ear.
"Parv? I'm so sorry I snapped earlier. It was stupid. I love you more than some stupid guitar. I promise you I really do. I love you." Although he couldn't see him, Alex literally felt the man next to him grin evilly as he thought of a comeback.
"You sure about that Mate? That guitar was pretty expensive y'know..." There it was. He flopped over, away from the current stupidity that was Parvis.
"Don't push it, Mate. You saw what happened." Parv shrugged and dropped it, instead taking the opportunity to hug up to his back, forcing Alex to roll over with his face in the pillow.
"Fuck off, Parv." Parv considered making a comment, but bit it back. After all, would you make a silly, albeit funny comment to a man who you've just made up with, who is tired, grumpy, has anger issues and has already flipped out earlier? Not even Parv's THAT stupid. Instead, he decided to use Alex's chest and beard as a pillow. Finally sighing in defeat, he just lay and watched as the Parvis bug made itself comfy on him and slowly drifted off to sleep. Just before it did so, however, three words came out of its mouth.
"Love you too."

In the morning, Alex silently got up and ran into the living room, phoning Sparkles*. No answer. Leo? Same. Kogie. Finally, someone else up early! As he picked up, Alex said something that made Kogie just laugh and hang up, probably going back to Leo.
"Kogie? I think I'm ill... I think I have a Parvis bug..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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