Christmas Parties and What Follows After

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It was December 23rd and the class Christmas party was the next day. Momo was hosting it as her parents would not be home until late, making it the perfect place to host the party. Plus Momo was really excited about holding another class gathering, especially after the study session they held to study for their exams.

Glancing around his room, Izuku sighed before standing up and heading out to the living room where his parents would be. He knew if he stayed in his room any longer then he would wind up overthinking the presents he got for his friends, and he did not need that right now. As he approached the living room, he glanced around the brightly decorated hallway. The entire house had been decorated in lights and tinsel with the main focus of the decorating being in the living room, the only rooms left untouched being the bedrooms. He allowed a smile to slip onto his face as he admired the decorations, something that he didn't get to see growing up.

Finally entering the living room, he looked around the room and made his way over to one of the sofas sitting in front of the electric fireplace. He could hear his parents talking in the kitchen while they cooked but paid no mind to the conversation knowing that they would tell him if it was important or impacted him. He allowed himself to relax against the cushions of the sofa and zone out, allowing his mind to wander while occasionally pulling it back when his thoughts began to get dark.

He was half asleep when the cushion dipped next to him as his Dad sat next to him.

"Everything okay, Problem Child?" Shouta asked. The term Problem Child had stuck as Izuku understood that it was just his Dad's way to show affection.

"Yeah, I'm okay Dad. Just thinking, well trying not to overthink everything again." Izuku muttered, as he relaxed against Shouta's side.

Shouta hummed in response, knowing that the kid would always find a way to overthink a situation. He didn't blame the kid as he knew some of the troubles Izuku had experienced growing up due to the stigma against quirkless people. He just wrapped his arm around the kid as Izuku began to doze off once again.


The rest of the day had passed in a blur and in the blink of an eye it was Christmas Eve, and Izuku was on the train, on his way over to Momo's house for the Christmas party with all of the gifts he had for his classmates in a duffel bag sitting by his side. He wasn't really close to any of his classmates, he knew who they all were and had something small for most of them but other than that he tended to shy away from them.

He had a small group of friends he stuck with and who didn't care that he was quirkless, well most of the class didn't really care but they were loud and boisterous. His friend group consisted of his boyfriend Hitoshi, Momo, Tokoyami, Todoroki, and Shouji. All of them were quiet and had been really accepting of the fact that he was quirkless; most of them had been bullied for their quirks growing up as well, and Momo was lacking confidence in her abilities as well. Their group was quite close but would mingle with some of the others like Tsu, Koda, Ojiro, Jirou, and Sato.

Eventually his stop arrived and he stepped out of the train and onto the platform with his duffel bag securely on his shoulder. Expertly, he weaved his way through the crowd and exited the station and began the walk to his friend's house. It took a few minutes for him to arrive at the main gate, but he eventually made it and rang the bell, waiting for the gate to open and him to be let in. It opened and he made his way down the driveway and to the front door that opened before he even had the chance to knock.

Entering, he smiled at the butler who let him in before following one of the maids down the hallway to the room where the party was being held. When they got there he thanked the maid and entered the room and glanced around. Most of his classmates were already there with a few noticeable exceptions. Bakugou had yet to arrive along with Uraraka, Hagakure, and Kaminari. As he was scanning the room, he noticed Hitoshi standing in the corner by the snack table. He smiles and, after waving to Momo and placing his presents under the tree in the center of the room, makes his way over to his boyfriend whose eyes light up upon seeing him. Hitoshi is quick to wrap his arms around Izuku's waist and pull him close, placing his lips against his forehead with a whispered "Hello Beloved." slipping off of his tongue. Izuku relaxed into the embrace and was quick to murmur out a response to Hitoshi's greeting.

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