Chapter 16 - Aomine vs Kise

Start from the beginning

He and I got dragged out and were told we couldn't come back into the gym, lol.

"This is all your fault!" I yelled at him.

"Sorry!" He said back, he wasn't sorry at all.

I sighed and walked away, changing out of the costume in the bathroom, I was super sweaty so I decided to put on my baseball cap in my duffel bag, once I got out of the bathroom I saw a man standing beside it, he was tall and had brown hair and dark brown eyes, an attractive Japanese boy.

"Oh wow! So you're the one who was under the costume!" He said blushing.

"Uh yeah?" I noticed how sweaty he looked, "Ohhh.. you're the one who tackled me then?" I questioned.

"Ahhh, sorry about that" He said sincerely.

"It's fine, it's not like I can't sneak in."

"Well, allow me to come with you." He said bowing dramatically.

"No." I walked away.

"Wait! I recognize you! You're that girl that went viral for yelling at Tōō's star basketball player right?"

"No you're thinking of my twin sister Rachael." I said bluntly.

"Huh? Really?"

I snickered, opening the doors to the gym, I let them close on him and walked by the court trying not to interfere in the game, Kise saw me out of the corner of his eye causing him to fumble the ball. Tōō scored off of that. I feel kinda bad?

I sat down by Momoi. "Kessaku! You got into a fight with the mascot!" She shouted.

"Yeah I know I was there." I said sarcastically.

"It was so funny!!!" She giggled.

"Ahaha.." I said.

She got the hint and went back to watching the game, at this point Tōō was 12 points ahead, it was the middle of the third quarter. I could tell they were giving it their absolute all.. hopefully they don't damage their bodies, nah it should be fine, after all Aomine has been attending all his basketball practices so he's not out of shape.

The third quarter ended with Tōō still in the lead, Kise looked a bit down. He was doing the best he could but he couldn't keep up with the new and improved Aomine, I felt bad but I wanted Tōō to win.

"Sōdai you gave quite the show." Aomine said sitting next to me sweating bullets,.

"Ew, you stink."

He laughed. "Comes with the territory."

To be honest, his sweat smelled like cinnamon.. HOW??? So annoying

"Want me to beat him up?" Aomine asked seriously.

"Yeah right, your basketball career would be over." I said realistically.

"So." He muttered.

The buzzer went off indicating the fourth quarter was about to start, I smacked his back. "Go get 'em tiger."

"That's not funny." He said smiling as he jogged back on court.

In the end Kise and his team weren't able to beat Tōō. The final score was 84-67 (in this timeline Kise is unable to stop thinking of Aomine as better than him because of how much Aomine has changed and improved so he hasn't reached the point of being able to copy the generation of miracles YET)

Our team celebrated as Kise's third years began to cry, they knew this would be the last game they ever played..

As we walked out of the building I spotted Kise's team heading out aswell, "Wait up for me." I said to my team as I ran after Kise.

"Kise!" I yelled.

He turned around. "Oh hey Kessakuchi." He said smiling, I could see he had been crying too.. what could I even say to him?

"You're holding yourself back." I said bluntly.


"I took the liberty of reading up on the generation of miracles a while back, you can allegedly copy any move you've seen once EXCEPT for the generation of miracles?"

"That's right."

"No that's wrong. And quite frankly that's not going to cut it." I said slightly annoyed. "I had a conversation with Momoi about it because I thought that was weird, she said that she thinks you CAN copy them it's just that you don't want to, they're not creating fireballs out there."

"She said that!" He looked embarrassed.

"Yes, take this information how you will, but I think we both know you're tired of making excuses for why you "can't" copy their styles. If you continue to deny your potential then they WILL leave you behind." I said, I bowed slightly and walked away leaving him in deep thought.

I walked back to my group who waited for me.

"So what'd you say to him?" Aomine asked curiously.

"I told him that if he gave himself the chance he'd be able to copy the generation of miracles styles."

Aomine rubbed his neck and sighed. "You really think he can?"

"I mean, it's not like you guys sold your souls for RAD superpowers. What you're doing out there is humanly possible to achieve for anyone who has the physical capability. Kise has the physical ability, he just needs to push through the mental barrier he created."

"You know this how?" Imayoshi questioned.

"Hehe I practice a form of martial arts called kung fu, The eyes of a trained fighter can always tell how much potential a person has." I said winking. "If Kise can't get though this mental block, then he'll quickly fall behind the other generation of miracles. They're constantly evolving and getting better, but I can tell Kise has hit a wall with the current level he's at. In order to beat the constant evolving generation of miracles, he himself has to evolve. "

Aomine smiled and rested his elbow on my head. "I can't wait to see what kind of monster you made when winter comes."

"Hehe.. you best put on your big boy pants or he might even beat you."

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now