~Chapter 1 : Rumors~

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Third Person POV :

"Sorry Sarada, we got late, Promise tomorrow, I'll be early an-"

"Don't promise! You wouldn't even remember everything you said right now!"

"There she goes again , scolding her teammates, isn't this annoying to watch?" Chocho muttered

"Don't you think it's about time we teach Sarada a lesson? What do you think Class Rep?" Inojin was ready to make Sarada beg for forgiveness but Sumire stopped all of them from this nonsense.

"C'mon guys, we are all family here right? So, let's just let things be, okay?"

"So you're telling us that you would let this slide? I mean look-points out to Sarada's team-you can't even go near him(Bolt) because of her! Right you like him, so go for it!" Chocho reminded Sumire, but she always have a doubt with her feelings for Boruto, and now she don't even know if these are the friends she knew.

"Oh! You guys, what're you doing here? Wait, don't tell me you were all watching?!" Sarada broke the silence, while the others were also surprised.

"W-Well, n-nothing mu-much, but hey how's your day?" Chocho stuttered with a fake smile on her face.

Sarada didn't notice her doing such, so she didn't mind it, in fact she heard their convo and she was ready to beat them all in one go, annoyed, but she was holding her anger saying

"Oh? You were asking? Hmmm lemme think, well it's.... different as usual...
it's an interesting day" giving a death glare to all, and everyone is very intimidated by that.

Sarada left the place without talking, leaving all the young Shinobis (including Boruto and Mitsuki) trembling.


Sarada went to buy some Taiyaki when she notices Kawaki's presence-The Lord Sevenths adopted son-she didn't mind it, all she was trying to do is to ignore the rumors she's hearing from the surroundings:

'oh! Look! The useless Uchiha! HAHAHAHA

'she can't even protect herself , she's a weakling!'

'she wished to become Hokage, but I'm sure that'll never happen, in fact she's not strong like her parents'

'she's a disgrace to her own clan'

Sarada can't take the rumors anymore.

"Shut the Hell up! Will you?!?!!!!"
she shouted awakening her sharingan, giving a death glare, making them tremble, that some of them fall on their knees, some toddlers cry, some run away.


Kawaki finally talked to her, but before he could say another word, Sarada interrupted him

"What?! You're gonna say the same thing like them?! HUH?! Well if that's the case then just SHUT THE F★CK UP!!!" she walkouts, leaving Kawaki astonished-well that's the first time she ever did that specially in front of Kawaki-


Instead of just crying and locking herself in her room, she decided to train and let all her pain out.

Sarada's POV:

Why are they doing this to me?
What did I do?
I was....I was just lecturing Boruto and Mitsuki for being late...was I wrong?
But I know they all understand it...
But why?

Tears falling into cheeks down to the ground
I don't know what to do, all I can hear is the wind of anger that I'm bound
I did my best to become who I am today
But nobody listened to what I have to say

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